harry styles astrology predictions

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Having been a Penguin Random House/Transworld author myself, actually with the two publishers Harry thanks editors and copy editors tend to go over the manuscript with a fine-toothed comb, so the Taliban paragraph must have been raised more than once. And he is so deluded by her (or brainwashed/ gaslighted) that any target is justified. I heard the word suffocating then from my spirit guide. Thank you again. For astrologers, the key degrees in Harrys natal chart which line up with historic charts for the USA and Russia are Sagittarius 9, 16 and 28. Dear Jessica, Its interesting that you say Harry may have recorded his counselling sessions with his therapist, to use for the book. I have had nothing but respect for Anne and she works harder than anyone. She goes on to talk to be about William, and while she does this, she holds up a large figure 3. Something doesnt add up unless this was the plan along. The kind that he cannot walk away from unscathed. It just isnt our turn yet. If he now declines to proceed to the coronation for (whatever reason is yet to appear grave in nature and serious in consequence) then this is what Laurens Van Der Post saw. Literally unpredictable, in the way of these things, in astrology. Its just as questionable as the Taliban admission in Spare. Shes on this side, shes an intelligence agent and this was definitely London. I felt compelled to cross reference the comment re the medium Claire Thomas. I dont think either of them showed any consideration for Dianas feelings and while it is certainly not the first time two people have had an affair and also hurt the third person in the situation greatly, they can never truly be an example to the world in the way Queen Elizabeth II was. Continue with your great work, Jessica, your readers are still here. An I know all of you have sympathy for Harry but I think he is a low grade psychopath/sociopath with absolutely no emotions, just hatred and jealousy of William. However, after the demise of Louis 16th and Marie Antoinette came the years of The Terror for France. Married clergy from the Church of England can now become priests in the Catholic Church, so there is a split of sorts there as well. It is also possible he will say something very bold or something looked on with criticism. Aha. A psychic that I follow named Christian Dion was right onto her from late 2016. Thanks Julie. Harry is described to have difficulty adjusting to the taste and requirements of others and is less prone to disappointment or despair in the face of failure which is the major factor for his success. Hi Jessica, It is interesting to ask why. QEII also refused them their own independent office (keeping them overseen by Buckingham palace) and refused their request for a suite of rooms in Windsor castle, giving use of Frogmore instead. Runcie apparently foresaw a constitutional crisis too, for church and state. Thank you. Apparently there was a lot of criticism and hilarious memes about Harry. Together with dismay already expressed by some re the 100million payment. I only came across your wisdom recently and am so glad! Yet we are fixated. America/UK: Robert/Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, Prince Andrew, Trump, Soho House, Marcus Anderson, parties, wannabees, Meghan and a yacht Google research shows some common connections: Oh wow thats pretty interesting. Call it democracy, but astrology sees straight through and then astrologers can deliver to you, to make up your own mind. Best wishes to you for the New Year ahead. The Commonwealth losing member nations or sacrificing more Head of State status is what foreign enemies of the allies want. A pen is placed in her hand, but she appears unwilling to sign. Most of the stage directions take place there in the latter part of the book. That kind of detail was to sell more books? Many of the Church documents from this time are to be found at Lambeth Palace. It is lethal, of course, but a faint whiff can leak into a room and not be noticed. According to Tom Bowers book, Revenge, Soho House was where they first met on that blind date on 1st July 2016. Peace is an interesting notion, given the complete lack of peace in the horoscopes in March. Regarding splits in the Church of England, it seems there is already a formal division where traditionalist priests that cannot accept the role of women in the modern Church are allocated to work exclusively in parishes which support that same view. I do not recommend the book. I hope things improve quickly. This whole Shakespearian drama appears to have nothing to do with my corner of the world but it sooo does! Jessica, I have a nagging feeling that Meghan has got all her ducks in a row and is watching it all play out. He bears it stoically and quietly because he is set to be king. I must find that photograph of Princess Catherine resembling The High Priestess. I look forward to any connections you may be able to make. You are on the money about Harry and Andrew being targets. Entitlement versus acceptance. This is especially true in the United Kingdom where working people pay tax to support the monarchy. A marriage for Harry? Why he again does not name the Russian who sold them (at a discount) their American mansion. I note that in the ITV interview Prince Harry was not asked about the two homes. Hi Jessica, There are plenty of other clerics of different denominations that can take part. Harrys astrology chart chimed. If William, who it appears is the real target of Hs rage, feels hes being sold out by any deal- could he end up being the one walking away? Whatever one may think of Harry, Meghan and/or the royal family, we are talking about someone who has been deeply traumatised by unfounded insinuations by the paparazzi. Re the Squidgy-gate situation, she (PT) observed: We are witnessing a silent revolution- a revolution whose most alarming volley of shots was fired in 1992. Thank you. I need to go back to the charts for Iran. Her findings were presented live during the trial. Do you think they may have acted on astrologers advice here as it seems a massive coincidence otherwise ? As subjects we are allowed to ask these questions online these days, though of course, back then you have might have been waving at the ravens in the Tower of London! The first half of 2023 is all about reinventing yourself, as you kick off a . Thank you so much Maja. Its deeply dark at the moment. H&Ms team ought to have given that product placement a bit more thought, if thats what it is. Thanks for your previous response. Time will tell but, as youve said before, we may never find out. None of this would matter except the monarch does have power in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. The path around the lake is surrounded by large trees. And finally for Meghan I drew Five of Swords. He was the son of King John, the one who was forced to accept Magna Carta and lost the jewels in the wash. Georgina has predicted that Harry and Meghan's marriage won't last. Asking the Archbishop of Canterbury to invite (at least) Prince Harry to the planned coronation, is very wise. Bless you for giving it more time! Hi Jessica, Murdoch has his two sons, one who has split from the family business and publicly outed his fathers obliteration of the truth. At one point, JER points out that she suddenly looks to the other side of waiting crowds and goes over to be hugged by a young woman. Putins infiltration of Britain and America has been long-term and textbook, hasnt it? Always a clever professional woman; frequently a graduate. I have not quoted the whole 2 verses, as it is easily found. Both had sibling issues. I have noticed in recent reports that Harry claims Spare was originally 800 pages long. Maybe the Vicar of Dibley rings bells for you. We also have and still do share our love of astrology so naturally (only having their sun signs to follow) we believed that this was a match made in heaven. Allowing for a genuine heart attack in the case of Thomas Markle which we should, for the poor fellow it still does not explain the sneaky double ceremony with the head of the Church of England, days before. Their main purpose is to take down Will and Kate and become American royalty. Her black cape outfit at QE11s funeral looked as if it could easily hide devices. . He has been pulled up in the press before for mean/thoughtless tweets. The pair are surgically attached most of the time so it does seem odd that shes letting Harry have all the limelight. Other coincidences besides Harrys facial similarity to Henry VIII are the fact that Henry was initially the spare. If I put it in a simple way. He thinks it was the firm planting stories but what if it was Meghan who was leaking the stories. If its a plot to destroy the Royal family and Britain do you think someone will see sense soon and intervene before its too late? You have said there are changes coming to the Church of England this has just been published on the BBC -Justin Welby rejected as leader by conservative Anglicans over same-sex blessings https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-64711815 with Archbishops representing 10 of the 42 provinces in the Anglican Communion have signed a statement saying they no longer consider Mr Welby leader of the global communion. Shame, as truth is stranger than fiction, as we know. When I dont write my thanks here daily, I am thinking it!! The Seventh House describes her first husband, as much as Harry, so the balance of power with both changes. Harry Edward Styles (born 1 February 1994) is an English pop singer and actor, known as a member of the boy band One Direction. Still trying to work out the end game. British experts in constitutional law are said to have given him opinions on his nuptials with Camilla, allegedly sealed until he is dead. If true, perhaps it was not just the Russian provenance that caused QEII to refuse her favourite tiara! Thank you for your kind words. You are so right about WW2 and the Royal Familys importance at that time. Diana was very attracted to exotic countries. A marriage for Harry? One by one, institutions are being picked apart or exposed. It was ok in the beginning, besides clickbait cash is enormous, but it will pool more wool over our eyes if it carries on much longer. Just my musings. Perhaps it will lead him home. Uranus liberates and sets free, but it also shocks. Very odd. She is flanked by a member of the clergy in full archbishop like regalia and a King who resembles George V but in eighteenth-century dress. May it be full of love, prosperity and good health. The excitement of Russian America, or American Russia, ends. People have noted the similarities between Prince Harry and Henry VIII (has someone mentioned yet that Henry VIII also lost his much-loved mother at a similar age? What is her motivation in all of this and who got to her? Ron Burkle was in Jeffrey Epsteins little black book and in his private jet log as reported in New Yorks most trusted magazine. It doesnt matter what they are like in the family circle. Neptune in astrology is a symbol of alternative reality. I shall someday soon be writing a book about the long-kept secret that history has lied in saying that Anne suffered a miscarriage in prison, where she was placed by Henry to await her execution. Honestly, when I wrote you I was in the past, thinking of the 2007 realizations of my fathers will which closed years later in 2018. Astrology is usually ignored by the establishment (publicly) but very much used privately. Hello Jessica, me again. He states very matter-of-factly that he(JER), is a Virgo and amusingly, has queried whether Harry can be thrown out of the Virgo Club for his scruffy appearance of late, particularly his shoes. (Incidentally, Putins spokesman Lavrov(?) It was very cringeworthy and the comments basically blamed Harry for bringing all the negative attention upon himselfand who would have ever imagined Princess Diana being dragged into it that way? It left me wondering about the danger of a stroke for King Charles with the blame being stress of family tensions. We have the actress. One very good reason is that we were all being deceived by Harry, Meghan and the Archbishop of Canterbury. Dont know if you will be able to publish this. Sometimes it coincides with other cycles which hit a national chart (like France in the French Revolution) and you end up with mobs and guillotines. Intuitive or psychic people sense that and that is why everybody is so concerned. Julie. Amber Heard was diagnosed with Histrionic Personality Disorder (and Borderline Personality Disorder) by forensic psychologist Dr Shannon Curry, who spent 12 hours with her in relation to the trial. MM absence while H does the publicity rounds re Spare has been noted on the front page (snippet at the bottom of page granted) of Saturdays ( today)The Daily Telegraph Harry left to fly solo as Meghan slips off radar. It is all building up as the astrology said so rapidly now. Prince Harry and his father were said to be in Istanbul April 24&25 2015 for Gallipoli centenary commemoration. We will see what happens after March this year.. Like who cares if she doesnt want to share her lip gloss with someone else. It prompted me to go back to your Harry Meghan charts and wedding chart and I looked more closely at the possible marriage 3 days earlier. What on earth was going on in America, in the years that Andrew was a target and then Meghan appeared (meeting story details may vary). Eventually the tableau comes to rest. Prince Harry suffers from anxiety and is vulnerable to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after serving in the army as a Captain and also childhood trauma of course, from the death of his mother. Its all such a mess, and yet I cannot keep my eyes away from it. Thanks for sharing your psychic insights, it is much appreciated. All Thanks and Best Wishes to you, You also ask a good question about the 100 million Welby has promised for slave trade reparation by the Church of England. With reference to the odd product placement in Spare a photo of MM outside Soho House Istanbul with photographer Jason Bailey and Old Etonian actor Eddie Redmayne (friend of W&H) taken apparently on April 25 2015. Less than six months later Anne had been executed and Henry had married the third of his six wives, Jane Seymour. Another thing he wrote about was all the planets Prince George has in his 8th house, especially mars which he said signifies a lot of tragedy. Also apparently not doing the coronation. Big thanks for your generous astrology answers. Meghan Markle will lose the title, Duchess of Sussex. Logic tells us that people who have never been satisfied to put up and shut up, will speak up, before the proposed coronation date for Charles III. Oh, the Ace of Swords is a crown spinning on top of a sword, it having taken it off one head, ready for another. Again, we are back to his inheritance from Diana; his inheritance from his father and The Queen; his own will, made out to Archie in particular, who was the bump we saw a week before the eclipse and Lilibet. This could be reviewed every ten years. The previous owner of the Chateau of River Rock was Sergey Grishin. They were posing for photographs and were seated Charles behind Diana on a childs rocking horse. The whole thing is a bit scary; seems to be higher up goings on. You also mentioned that things will change during and after March and had members any predictions. Thank you. I need to find out the truth about the emerald tiara that Meghan allegedly asked to borrow from Her Majesty for the wedding. Dear Jessica, I have to share something with you. Here are excerpts from Pennys book that I hope I have copied faithfully. Putin? Love and light to you. They are considered to have the same effect as conjunctions. Harry reveals that at Prince Philips funeral, King Charles privately begged William and Harry not to make his final years a misery. Thanks so much Cait, I am glad you are enjoying this online discussion. I think you have winkled some of us out of our shells, to our benefit methinks. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. This was one of the most unusual things to have ever happened in my presence. https://www.astro.com/wiki/astro-databank/index.php?title=Styles,_Harry&oldid=302391, Last edited on 15 February 2023, at 09:26, business associate/partner relationship with, Family: Childhood: Order of birth (youngest of two children), Family: Childhood: Parent, Single or Step, Lifestyle: Work: Work alone/ Singular role (solo career), Lifestyle: Work: Work in team/ Tandem (Music group), Vocation: Entertainment: Actor/ Actress, Vocation: Entertainment: Live Stage (Tours and performances), Vocation: Entertain/Music: Group/ Duo (One Direction). Meghan seems to have no hint of humility, especially after being welcomed with open arms by the British and Commonwealth people, and given a multi-million pound wedding. There is a photo on the Liverpool Echo on Dec 16 2022 which refers to Harry and Meghans visit to Birkenhead in 2019. Do you think Harry knows what is going on and is knowingly involved? We walked around it and my husband stepped away from me towards the lake to look at something. They were hand made by an international fashion house and needed a team of four people over three days to adjust the fittings. I find it interesting that in Chapter 1 of this version, (Genesis) at verse 26-27, we find the words, quote: Seeing the astrology unfold in real time is awesome. I will post this now, as Mercury is out of Retrograde Shadow. Also, wasnt MM listed as a witness by Virginia Giuffres lawyers? The first is that many Anglicans around the world are not British but are deeply conservative on the subject of divorce and gay or lesbian marriage. My heart goes out to Harry , (I feel a kinship with him because my mother died in childbirth when I was 2 and subsequent stepmother told me herself many years later that she never saw me as part of the family.) I think this book has not only exposed the lies that the British press have told but also the lies M&H have told as well. He was born with Uranus at 9 Sagittarius. Also thank you for your thoughts on the Pluto transits. The predominance of Air signs in your chart favours and amplifies your taste for relations and for all kinds of short trips, whether real (travels) or symbolic (new ideas, mind speculations). It must be the pregnancy of course. One thing confuses me though if Harrys marriage was a way of removing him from the Royal Family ( which I think it was) and Andrews plight was to discredit him, how does that destabilise the Monarchy. Do I believe Welbys nightmare? And so to another Leo eclipse in the series: near January 14th 2019 in Birkenhead. You have the South Node in Libra, the wedding and marriage sign, and the transiting South Node moves into Libra from July 2023, so your past life returns to you. Overthinking much? Also thank you for this blog and the good community within it. The whole drama playing out just leaves me uncomfortably due to the total lack of integrity H and M are showing. You are a Sun Leo man with stelliums in Leo, Libra, Cancer and Aquarius. H/R bring it up, but I guess its old news in the Commonwealth. Ive no idea. Senior Anglican George Pitcher, who advised a previous Archbishop of Canterbury, has mused, if there were even two other people watching, then there were two witnesses and so the Church of England may have an issue. MMs parents were not invited. That is the revenge against the press for mercilessly badgering his mother. You mention sister issues.

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