why homestuck is problematic

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Weirdly, copyright law is an area of knowledge where people seem to feel completely sure giving their thoughts/opinions no matter how little research they've done on the subject. newsletter, Streamers have to become increasingly savvy, what people think they know about them online, information around topics like mental health, like writing fanfiction or creating fan art. If you dont write often and consequently dont think of story length in terms of word count (what are you, a normal person? It is compelling, funny, genre-busting contemporary art. Do trolls even have races? Im a shipper at heart I mean I like reading well-developed relationships. Anyone who presides over something popular is forced to play the role of an informal cult leader, which is what it felt like throughout most of Homestucks run, and even well beyond. He said, Some online personalities will revel in that role, and actually start behaving like a true cult leader. And she decides what gets put in front of our eyes and what doesnt. This magic carpet ride of analytical post-epilogue Homestuck fan content has left you feeling exhilarated and yet hungry for more. Fueled by this power, Dirk plans to leave the comic entirely to head to a place where his thoughts and his actions always have weight, regardless of what is canon and what isnt. Each event sprouted up at random from our imaginations and was tacked on to the end of what we had with an and then. Quite a bit of it, has, unfortunately landed on rachel, who if I recall correctly, is in charge of a lot of the business decisions, or at least enforcing them. Theres a problem with activations getting backed up, & stuck in our system. Well, sure! This Mo Black guy seems to know what hes talking about, you think. As Dirk ascends, though, he gains full awareness of the story itself. Since my social justice related posts seem to encourage more discussions than ones that do not rely on social justice critique, I figured I would use this next post to explore a very talked-about and controversial aspect of Homestuckits ableism. While many people inside the Homestuck fandom thought this was an excellent and humorous reward (especially considering they got all the other rewards below it as well) people outside of the comic fandom didn't get the joke and thought it was an example of Hussie being and egomanical jerk. ._1W1pLIfaIb8rYU6YeTdAk6{margin-right:6px}._1H6Meh6ZAemKxOJDOEasfK{border-radius:50%;box-sizing:border-box;height:20px;margin-left:-8px;width:20px}._1H6Meh6ZAemKxOJDOEasfK:first-child{margin-left:0}._30vlMmCcnqKnXP1t-fzm0e{display:inline-block;margin-left:-8px;position:relative} The end credits and post-end credits content were released in the style of Snapchat posts. It is a subversive work of fiction that plays with the concept of creation on multiple levels. The only challenge to his control over the story is presented by Calliope, the dead, all-powerful sister to Lord English I mentioned earlier. I didn't find many of the document's arguments compelling, but I also don't find this rebuttle compelling as it focuses very much on reacting more to the person/people writing than any points made. I don't think writing off Hussie as a person for his work is at all fair. Theres even a page that compels the reader to take selfies and post them on social media. And thats about how Ive come to regard all fandoms now.. They're not human. As long as he is in a certain proximity of the storys events, he not only becomes the narrator (literally already been done), but the author himself, capable of willing events into the story simply by narrating them to himself. WebAndrew Hussie (born August 25, 1979) is an American author and artist. To start, the music created in the making of, and parallel to Homestuck is simply incredible. I think one of the most impressive things about the webcomics music is how much of it there is (a lot of much there is, thats how much). Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is the latest product to feel the review bomb burn. WebMarch 3, 2023. And thats not even touching anything a part of Homestucks spin-off game, Hiveswap. With the source of his partial-paralysis being Vriska, he is tormented by her and others on occasion for his disability. ALL trolls have horns. OK, I don't think I can say much about basing lesbian characters on bi people, because I am not an expert on that, but none of that even matters. There was some controversy when homestuck first came out. I dont know what to say or think about any of this at this point. They dont have a concept of incest and I wouldnt be surprised if they werent bothered by age Gaps either with how impersonal their mating is. Calliope isnt an unbiased narrator. Homestuck uses Flash, which means that it has The first Game of Thrones book is just shy of 300 thousand words, and the longest book in that series is just over 400 thousand. Conveniently, two EMBEDDED HYPERLINKS have been placed within your line of sight, each fitted with an ATTRACTIVE THUMBNAIL to guide your ravenous eyes in their general vicinity. And then they play it. I don't really care about homestuck drama, it is a product of its time as another comment said but.. OP seems vastly unaware of a lot of social issues to be "responding" to this drama. Reminder to message me @colorfulconstellations if you would like to apply to be a mod! And when she tries to get better she says fuck it and focuses all this on the player instead. You can't tell just from what karkat said. I cant put them on a scale from 1 to 10 and I cant recommend anyone read them or not. They also continually support gross artists, like Aeritus for example who has lots of merch on ffbf, and ships incest ships without much of a second thought despite being 27 years old. I feel like you had "better" things to say than I did. The NSFW route, hes a complete douchewad, bullying Lynera and trying to pressure you into drugs and sex. Yeah, honestly the content of these docs probably says a lot more about the author of them they they do anything about Andrew Hussie. WebHomestuck has three characters with definite disabilitiesTavros, Terezi, and Solluxthough for the purposes of this article, I will focus on Tavros and Terezi as, ever since Sollux has become blind, we simply have not had much screen time with him to merit analysis The largest flaw in Terezis portrayal is that, while she is blind, she relies on superpowers that essentially eliminate her blindness and eliminate the real experiences of actual blind people, making her blindness into its own disability superpower. What am I reading here? I already break the fourth wall, numbnuts! Why pick them out? An exciting plot is all fine and good, but no one is buying into that if your characters are nothing but paper puppets, acting in any way that moves the plot forward. This applies to the treatment of Mituna, who due to the overexertion of his psychic powers received brain damage that altered his personality. As of now, recordings of the content exist on YouTube and are embedded where the Flash animations used to be, but take it from me when I say its really not the same. Like I oughta. A member of fandom may have a good attitude for a while, but since their involvement is predicated on obsession or very strongly held feelings, that positive attitude can turn on a dime, and it can take very little to trigger extreme negativity. I think a lot of new authors start out by aping works they admire. But then, homosexuality in a society where bisexuality is the norm is kind of a different thing. But each one is again key to understanding the story being told, fully integrated into comic. It's a violent as hell culture created for a single purpose: victory. Let's go: Meenah died at 19, this iteration of Vriska died at 13. Okay so later John says nominally Jake is indeed not at fault for being abused but appreciate for a moment how a story about kids playing a computer got to this point. When I said "Hussie created them that way for a reason", this doesn't mean "Hussie agrees with literally every awful thing in Homestuck" despite what some people seem to think that's what I'm saying. Maybe that Naruto fan now makes kick-ass, empowering, shonen-like stories. If Im Hussie, I use the epilogues to tie up lose ends and put the story to rest, not start this whole other tangent about what canon really means and how all your favorite characters are actually awful people. Just don't think it's safe for your thirteen-year-old brother just 'cause the protagonist is the same age xDD. Homestuck is the longest and most well-known & loved of the MS Paint Adventures. Asaresult, the narrative remains incomplete and unstable, and the relevance of key events is questioned all together. Rather than being a swapped preference, it is a more exacting preference. He would commandeer a handful of characters, and I do the same. We really would be here all day if I summarized the story in earnest. They treat the characters of Friendsim and of Homestuck as though theyre all actual adults and write them like that, and just ignore the fact that theyre all like, 13-14 (and BARELY older if they are save for Chahut). If it is morally wrong, I want explanations.). I do. WebHomestuck tends to congregate in large groups that can cause problems at conventions. Here's a post discussing it. The mock content warnings that show up at the beginning of the epilogues are not mock anything and are entirely legit. Why didn't you bring it up then? Read it on a computer. Time to be controversial here. As the community got larger, and Hussie wanted more control of the story, this eventually petered out, which did distance some of the older problem sleuth fans. Two friends who realize they see each other as something more I live for that kind of stuff when its done right. A confirmation hes referring to Kanayas lesbian identity as the fetish he remarked from above. Hussies apprehension of fandom and the wild projections that come with presiding over one seem appropriate given how public comments on his work ignite controversy within the fandom. I came to regard that fandom as being pretty close to a cult. Question: Hey hiveswap team and @skullmandible, confirm Lanque as a trans boy yes/no? Question: do thirteen year old girls have boobs? Oops. Music is even baked into the comics mechanics. Dogfighting is a type of blood sport in which dogs are forced to fight one another for the entertainment and/or profit of spectators. Not formally, and nowhere near as dangerous as more conventional cults can be, but close enough to draw meaningful comparisons. WebFollowing the incident, What Pumpkin, Hussies former Homestuck production company (which he has since left), threatened to sue Sarah Z. Theres also the fact that the epilogues have no qualms about crushing aspects of the story the reader may have enjoyed. Point 1.5: Many of the arguments presented in the document hinge on the idea that inclusion means approval (see Point 1). A hole in plot, if you will. I wrote in second person. There's just about one for every group. The creative director and lead script writer for Hiveswap, literally ships dersecest as stated in his interview. why are you playing with those dangerous girls?". I haven't seen a single person defend Zebruh. I honestly don't feel qualified to say. Besides the sometimes-cane, she needs no assistance at alland while that is fantasticit would be preferable to see her use the sort of assistance that blind people typically use, instead of Terezi just being able to see everything that she licks. Terezi wanted them to be "L1K3 4 Even worse, Hussie confirming dersecest to be a canon ship in a doomed timeline in the most recent homestuck book, which is better explained in this post. Accusations of certain characters beings Mary Sues. Here appears another symptom of ableismthat of the view that persons with disabilities need to be fixed in order to fit in with normal society. Theres a problem with activations getting backed up, & stuck in our system. There. Copyright issues; unlike many, more mainstream (and powerful) content producers who kind of give convention artists alleys the big shrugaroo, a small buisness like What Pumpkin LLC, the company that sells Homestuck merchandise, does not have the luxury of being able to afford turning a blind eye to fan produced content, and is thus very strict about people selling fanmade Homestuck content. We apologize for this The Meat/Candy dichotomy is one Hussie developed for himself long before the release of the epilogues. To me, black is just a color. Dividend Yield. The lesson here is that an abuse victim needed to learn to take life into their own hands sooner. The majority of the story, other than the epilogue they are minors. And then the time boss totally starts wrecking up the multiverse like its no ones business. There is no denying that. As underage drinking is a touchy subject for myself personally im not very inclined to go through the route in detail but, underage drinking. That having been said Alternia, at least to me, was supposed to be some kind of dark joke about society; I mean their Jesus upon the moment of his crucifixion started cursing everyone out because they're just so shitty. Ardata literally has a red room esque set up, where she tortures trolls that she has caged in her hive. He is best known as the creator of Homestuck, a multimedia webcomic presented in the style of a text-based graphical adventure game, as well as other works in a similar style that were hosted on Point is there are lots of the same character running around always. 13. Set aside time just as you would for reading every novel, but be prepared to set aside much more of it. Personally, whatever his previous works may have been, I think he's done a wonderful job creating a wide variety of strong female characters. I dont know. Rufioh, dead 19 year old hitting on aradiabot, aka aradia as a permanent dead 13 year old. Unless you believe the existence of these controversies is a matter of opinion, as I'm willing to firmly disagree with you on that matter. It seems that whatever small ways I was able to control that brand, back when I still was interested in doing so, has since become dramatically overwritten by the preposterous hallucinatory projections of a zealous fandom.. It is not a document promoting real-life rape and murder. Anarchist. Its also an allegory for what Im doing presently with Psycholonials. Chances are Hussie changed it in part because he wasn't really feeling the joke in the first place. Welcome to Alternia. People dissect drama around his work and become amateur reporters on matters internal to his company. Hussies Psycholonials, a visual novel released in the spring of 2021, follows Zhen and Abby two girls who must figure out what to do with a mess of a revolution and empire that they themselves prompted. Homestuck has always pushed the boundaries in some regards but it is also a product of the inherent freedom of speech awarded to an internet based medium, failing to see this while reading though it is staggering honestly. Anyway, were left to assume Lord English is defeated, but we never see it happen and we never see how it happens. Given troll reproduction, it seems to some people as though the only reason they're given them in the comic is to sexualize them for a human audience. People have clamored for us to produce high quality cosplay-ready horns for years, ever since I began working at WP. But maybe that's just my take. Why dont people who make posts like the original maker of that dig through their own garbage and get on their own case for the stupid stuff they did in the past? It did, by the way. Hussie initially spoke to Polygon before the Sarah Z video, but agreed to follow up conversations after its release. His use of a wheelchair, for example, is frequently exploited as a weakness to make fun of. From a human perspective, she's an unmistakably gay character. Music is so integral to the experience of Homestuck Id argue the story doesnt work without it. Homestuck is the full power of the Internet refocused into an artistic and storytelling force the likes and scale of which I havent seen attempted again. I couldn't even tell he was meant to be trans. I can say knowing how things turn out, when possible, is cool. Please check your email to find a confirmation email, and follow the steps to confirm your humanity. And then theres this game in the mail. And then they have a kid who she abuses. As are the characters. I can only say that theyre interesting to consider if you happened to have read them. Smarter bloggers have tried and failed. The fact that Homestuck isn't an anime makes them unpopular at anime conventions, despite things like video game and doctor who costumes being accepted in part because And yes, they were still in a black romance together) until like Act 6 when John starts feeling black feelings towards Terezi and suddenly it's much more wholesome than literally any other example we'd seen until then. In 2012, around 24,000 backers pledged roughly $2 million to help bring Hiveswap, a video game version of the Homestuck, to life. The Google docs had like 2 or 3 good points and the rest is just bullshit. Take later. It aims to find out the shortest path during a salesman visiting cities below illustration. Last year, the worlds S.U.V.s collectively released almost a billion metric tons of carbon dioxide. The character's sue like traits and abilities get them through non important bits, but fail them when they need them most. Homestuck actually so sensitive to changes in the Internet that continuing the site as intended has proved to be somewhat of a challenge. Fans still regularly obsess over questions and details of Hussies life and work. Yes. But how much is that purpose worth? Please enter a valid email and try again. Point 4: Explanation and justification are not the same. Banning from conventions. Reading Homestuck is no easy feat, and will take a large amount of time. There are these four kids: John, Rose, Dave, and Jade. It is problematic in that it presents characters with unlikeable traits in a positive light, problematic in the way it jokes about very serious subjects like abuse and murder, #homestuck . And then theres Cronus, a 19 year old, hitting on his dead descendant who is also 13. Wwwwowwwwwww. i have the moral authority. Or Faygo. Its upsetting to read either way. I didn't pick up on things like that when I first read Homestuck because I'm from England and didn't watch American 'real life' shows, ie, media set in our world or a variation of it, or listen to genres like rap, hip-hop, etc. But then again, being straight is also like a fetish to trolls. OK, so who cares how old they were when they died? As it goes in the story, she was drunk driving, and after the cop gets physical with her, she grabs the gun from his holster and shoots. Still, Hussie doesnt think every aspect of fandom is completely horrible. Some forms like writing fanfiction or creating fan art are a positive, fun activity. We are currently experiencing a system-wide issue with a delay on all activations. The interactive story of Homestuck strung out to epic proportions it is over 8,000 pages long and ran from 2009 until 2016. Its at this point that the epilogues diverge into two: a Meat timeline for the former and a Candy timeline for the latter. Who is this detective? And the world ends. Jade was one of my favorite characters. Where does this leave a generation that grew up online, many of whom were devout Homestuck readers?

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