archetypal criticism in othello

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Citations Othello is generally regarded as Shakespeares greatest stage play, the closest he would ever come to conforming to the constrained rules of Aristotelian tragedy. archetypal criticism in othelloboone county wv obituaries. However, for Othello this is not the case. Beat a Venetian and tradud the state, But the great literary text for Jungs life and work was Johann Wolfgang von Goethes Faust, not because of its literary qualities but because he sensed that the drama expressed his own personal myth (Letters 1:309-10). Carl Jungs Contribution to Psychoanalytic Theory. He ends up killing her out of jealousy; when she does not deserve it. Earnest Cassirer, a social anthropologist was an important influence on myth criticism. In Shakespeare's, An outburst that othello has in a crowd of his peers causes people to start to question their noble leader. These archetypalists, focusing on the imaginaland making central the concept that in English they call soul, assert their kinship with Semiotics and Structuralism but maintain an insistent focus on psychoid phenomena, which they characterize as meaningful. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. This is not a satisfactory frame of mind for an investigator, and it is certainly not an . Consider the implications of this idea. O, farewell! Desdemona on her deathbed, still defends her Lords actions. archetypal criticism in othello america undercover life of crime Juni 12, 2022. used kawai upright piano . However, in William Shakespeare's Othello, Emilia's character portrays three completely different archetypes and they all come through in strategical places. However, the protagonist of the tragedy play only partially meets the definition of Aristotles tragic hero. Othello, though, decides to kill her. Othello is a Moorish (African) general in the Venetian army and an eloquent storyteller who is respected, but often treated as an outsider. Due to the Moor, my lord. Further, myth critics, aligned with writers in comparative anthropology and philosophy, are said to include Frazer, Jessie Weston, Leslie Fiedler, Ernst Cassirer, Claude Lvi-Strauss, Richard Chase, Joseph Campbell, Philip Wheelwright, and Francis Fergusson. An archetype is the original pattern or . That such a man should unravel so completely, ushered by jealousy and hatred into a bestial worldview that cancels any claims of human virtue and self-less devotion, shocks and horrifies. In this play there are only three women in the entire play. "Othello", by William Shakespeare, is a story of jealousy's potential to manipulate thoughts and eventually lead to ultimate demise. Ralph Manheim, 1974); Morris Philipson, Outline of a Jungian Aesthetic (1963, reprint, 1991); Annis Pratt et al., Archetypal Patterns in Womens Fiction (1981); Jos van Meurs and John Kidd, Jungian Literary Criticism, 1920-1980: An Annotated Critical Bibliography of Works in English (with a Selection of Titles after 1980) (1988); William K. Wimsatt, Jr., and Cleanth Brooks, Literary Criticism: A Short History (1957). I know not ift be true; But I, for mere suspicion in that kind, Will do as if for surety (2.1. Ironically, as in the feminist revisioning of explicitly male-biased Jungian theory, the rise in the 1980s of Reader-response theory and criticism and the impetus for canon revision have begun to contribute to a revaluation of Jung as a source of literary study. Texts and Contexts: Writing About Literature with Critical Theory. Cinthios version of Iago is conventionally driven by jealousy of a superior and lust for his wife. 364-367). Nor set down aught in malice. Othello is first shown as a hero of war and a man of, The extent of which Othello is a tragic hero has been open to much debate; the basis on which he is judged falls to Aristotles established view of the crucial elements that distinguish whether a person is truly tragic. Be sure to capitalize proper nouns (e.g. Her Jungian Approach to Literature attempts to cover the Finnish epic The Kalevala, the Persian Atars The Conference of the Birds, and texts by Euripides, Wolfram von Eschenbach, Michel de Montaigne, Pierre Corneille, Goethe, Novalis, Rabbi ben Simhah Nachman, and W. B. Yeats. The tragedy of Othello, written by William Shakespeare, presents the main character Othello, as a respectable, honorable, and dignified man, but because of his insecurities and good nature, he is easily taken advantage of and manipulated by his peers and alleged friends. Archetypal criticism is a literary approach that analyzes works of literature based on the idea that there are universal, timeless patterns and themes that recur across all cultures and throughout history. Even though Othello had a reputation as a hero, he ends up being one of the most gullible characters in the play when he completely falls into the evil trap that Iago set for him. As hells from heaven. Unlike the other Shakespeare tragedies, which follow the common ideas for Shakespearean tragedy, Othello includes some of the ideas from classical tragedies. In Othello, the themes such as love and jealousy reflects on the characters motivation and their values. Thus criticism evolving from his work is more accurately named archetypal and is quite distinct from myth criticism. In her final moments, Desdemona chooses not to blame Othello for her death because she saw that the honor of their love was more important than honesty. Aristotle believed that the plot is the most important element in a play and that plot also clearly points out the problem of any characters to be solved. James Baird, Jungian Psychology in Criticism: Theoretical Problems, Literary Criticism and Psychology (ed. to view the complete essay. O, farewell! (5. Such characters can be found in works of fiction, long or short, and in more poetic works. That Cassios not alive. Mythological critics compare one work to others with similar story . The direction of Othello criticism will also be affected as literary criticism's longstanding commitment to cultural historicism comes under pressure from those who argue that explorations of context often come at the expense of literature's formal properties and affective registers, and as developments in the digital humanities enable fresh "Othello is essentially an noble character, flawed by insecurity and a nature that is naive and unsophisticated". Rashness: The play is replete with rash decisions. Innocent characters also suffer, like Desdemona. OTHELLO: Iago critics. This burgeoning theoretical movement and the generally unsatisfying nature of so much early Jungian literary criticism are both linked to the problematic nature of Jungs own writing on literature, which comprises a handful of essays: The Type Problem in Poetry, On the Relation of Analytical Psychology to Poetry, Psychology and Literature, Ulysses: A Monologue, and Is There a Freudian Type of Poetry? These essays reveal Jungs lack of awareness as a reader despite his sense that they may show how ideas that play a considerable role in my work can be applied to literary material (Collected 15:109^. Altho a tragic ending it may be, Othello couldn't stand being a such a fool to have believed such lies about his one and only love. The play is set in Venice and Cyprus where a Moor, Othello, General of the Venetian army gets secretly married to a Venetian noblemans daughter, Desdemona. To furnish me with some swift means of death Othello is a man of high rank in Venice. I do perceive here a divided duty: A storm has dispersed the Venetian fleet so that Cassio arrives first, anxious for Othello's safety. After Othello learns of a possible affair between Cassio and Desdemona, at this instance is the turning point in Othellos fortune because it changes his views, attitudes and ultimately his fate. It has been mentioned earlier that pattern in literature refers to recurrent images, forms and words. He sees it, in itself almost irresistible, aided at every step by fortunate accidents and the innocent mistakes of its victims. The play imitates life through basic human emotions such as jealousy and rage. Othello, being a hero, enjoys a good reputation and has notable qualities. Shakespeare's play, Othello, the Moor of Venice, is a powerful example of a tragedy and its main character, Othello, is an excellent illustration of what Aristotle constitutes as a tragic hero. However, Othello's words give a deeper insight into how he still misunderstands the situation. The play moves relentlessly from here to catastrophe as Othello delivers justice to those he is convinced have wronged him. Patterns originate from the writer's . But heres my husband; Of one not easily jealous but, being wrought, Instead, they blame him for his own ultimate ruin. And let the labouring barque climb hills of seas For Cassirer, reason alone cannot lead to truth, but mythical thinking which focuses on immediate experience is essential. After confronting Desdemona of her crimes he decides to carry out his overall plan to end his trues loves life. Another important influence was Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) who used the term archetype to what he called "primordial images". And new theories increasingly give credence to the requirement, historically asserted by Jungian readers, that each text elicit a personal, affective, and not merely intellectual response. Using an archetypal literary criticism, Harry Potter can be analyzed by focusing on different archetypes, such as, symbols, images, and character types in the text. An archetypal critic would also say that the recurring patterns in literature prove that there are universal Archetypes Archetypal criticism focuses on patterns in a literary work that commonly occur in other literary works. (2.1.191-93) Setting the scene. The present essay, "Archetypes of Literature," is taken from the book. Up until Act III Scene iii Othello, "noble Moor" is in an elated position and is very aware of his importance. Eliot, Samuel Taylor) characterize themselves as realists, pragmatic, practical, eschewing the supporters of the so-called weaker Othello, who conversely tend to describe themselves as somehow morally elevated, more empathetic. Literary Archetypes The Legend of Sleepy Hollow The Loved One The Magus The Making of Americans The Man in the High Castle The Mayor of Casterbridge The Member of the Wedding The Metamorphosis The Natural The Plague The Plot Against America The Portrait of a Lady The Power of Sympathy The Red Badge of Courage The Road The Road from Coorain At the center of the plays intrigue is Shakespeares most sinister and formidable conceptions of evil in Iago, whose motives and the wellspring of his villainy continue to haunt audiences and critics alike. His final speech mixes together the acknowledgment of what he was and what he has become, who he is and how he would like to be remembered: I have done the state some service, and they knowt. These patterns include persistent images, figures, and story patterns shared by people across diverse cultures. The term archetype can be traced to Plato (arche, original; typos, form), but the concept gained currency in twentieth-century literary theory and criticism through the work of the Swiss founder of analytical psychology, C. G. Jung (1875-1961). In Re-Visioning Psychology, the published text of his 1972 Yale Terry Lectures (the same lecture series Jung gave in 1937), Hillman locates the archetypal neither in the physiology of the brain, the structure of language, the organization of society, nor the analysis of behavior, but in the processes of imagination (xi). Following his anatomizing of the painfully introspective intellectual Hamlet, Shakespeare, at the height of his ability to probe human nature and to dramatize it in action and language, treats Hamlets temperamental oppositethe man of action. The first systematic application of Jungs ideas to literature was made in 1934 by Maud Bodkin in Archetypal Patterns in Poetry: An attempt is here made to bring psychological analysis and reflection to bear upon the imaginative experience communicated by great poetry, and to examine those forms or patterns in which the universal forces of our nature there find objectification (vii). This last text explicitly named the movement and demonstrated its appropriation of archetypal theory for feminist ends in aesthetics, analysis, art, and religion, as well as in literature. Nobody; I myself. In Shakespeare?s play Othello, Othello himself is the tragic hero. Frye's work helped displace New Criticism as the major mode of analyzing literary texts . : In this quote, Othello is stating that his wife's supposed infidelity has ruined his name and turned it "black" and dirty like his own face, showing that a woman's fidelity was linked to a man's honor. OTHELLO: My name, that was as fresh. Othello assumes that Emilia is helping Desdemona in her infidelity. While acknowledging the grave weaknesses of much Jungian writing on literature as unsubtle and rigid application of preconceived psychological notions and schemes resulting in particularly ill-judged or distorted readings, van Meurs still finds that sensitively, flexibly and cautiously used, Jungian psychological theory may stimulate illuminating literary interpretations (14-15). Finally, Othello arrives giving him the opportunity to renew his marriage vows to Desdemona: It gives me wonder great as my content In a mess of questions of good and evil, right and wrong, critical supporters of Iago (T.S. An equal case can be made that Iago here completes his role as Vice, borrowed from the medieval morality plays, sealing the Faustian bargain for Othellos soul in this mock or black marriage scene. must concern itself with the archetypal, the universal, with that which is necessarily larger, more extreme than in life. Their union is opposed by Desdemonas father, Brabantio, and by a rival for Desdemona, Roderigo, who in the plays opening scenes are both provoked against Othello by Iago. Given this background, it is not surprising to find in a 1976 essay entitled Jungian Psychology in Criticism: Theoretical Problems the statement that no purely Jungian criticism of literature has yet appeared (Baird 22). Unfortunately, this got the ball rolling for Othellos inevitable downfall. R. F. C. Hull, 2 vois., 1973-75). For more information on choosing credible sources for your paper, check out this blog post. Witness that here Iago doth give up Othello: I greet thy love, Archetypal criticism is a type of literary criticismexamining the presence of archetypal characters within a piece of literature. The dynamic of Othellos character significantly changes throughout the play. Commend me to my kind lord. The next significant development in archetypal theory that affected literary studies grew out of the effort made by U.S.-born, Zurich-trained analyst James Hillman (b. Desdemona replies that it was her fault: Nobody I myself. This book established the priority of interest in the archetypal over the mythological. edmonton oilers jokes archetypal criticism in othello archetypal criticism in othello. FREE Archetype Essay Essay - Example Essays This recurring idea of an evil witch is extremely common and archetypal. A Modern View of Feminist Criticism William Shakespeare 's "Othello" can be analyzed from a feminist perspective.This criticism focuses on relationships between genders, like the patterns of thoughts, behavior, values, enfranchisement, and power in relations between and within sexes. This scene has suggested to some critics that Iagos true motivation for destroying the marriage of Desdemona and Othello is a repressed homosexual love for Othello. The tragic protagonist must make a fall from a high state of being to a low state or death. And despite frequently perceptive readings, the work is marred by the characteristic limitless expansionism and psychological utilitarianism of her interpretive scheme. The men of the play manipulate her image of a naive lover to being a strumpet! (V.ii.94). If it were now to die New theoretical approaches appear to legitimize orthodox Jungian ways of reading, sanction Jungs range of literary preferences from She to Faust, and support his highly affective reaction to Ulysses, which he himself identified (positively) as a subjective confession (i5:io9n). He is a character of high stature that is destroyed by his surroundings, his own actions, and his fate. I took by th throat the circumcisd dog, Further, the text offered confirmation (and poetic representation) of the only direct contribution Jung made to literary theory: a distinction between psychological and visionary texts (Collected 15:89-90). what is wrong with franklin baby on tiktok. He notes that Singers Unholy Bible: A Psychological Interpretation of William Blake (1970), though oversimplified in its psychobiographical approach and its treatment of characters as psychological projections of the author, does make original use in a literary context of such Jungian techniques of dream interpretation as amplification and of such fantasy-evoking procedures as active imagination.. In addition, Othello is far from being a perfect character - another quality that meets Aristotle's requirements. His works range from ingenious poems, such as Fear No More, to plays, such as The Tragedy of Othello. O, damn her, damn her! Shakespeare derived his plot from Giraldi Cinthios Tale of the Moor, in the story collection Hecatommithi (1565), reshaping Cinthios sensational tale of jealousy, intrigue, and murder in several key ways. archetypal criticism in othello After Othello returns from war at sea with the Turks, his fortune begins a downward spiral. Myth criticism grew in part as a reaction to the formalism of New Criticism, while archetypal criticism based on Jung was never linked with any academic tradition and remained organically bound to its roots in depth psychology: the individual and collective psyche, dreams, and the analytic process. Frye, then, first misinterprets Jungian theory by insisting on a Lamarckian view of genetic transmission of archetypes, which Jung explicitly rejected, and later settles on a concept of archetype as a literary occurrence per se, an exclusively intertextual recurring phenomenon resembling a convention (99). You know how looking at a math problem similar to the one you're stuck on can help you get unstuck? Cultural criticism is exploring or examining the relationship of dominant role based on ethnicity, and sexual identity of person, also a great understanding of yourself. Wow! Essays may be lightly modified for readability or to protect the anonymity of contributors, but we do not edit essay examples prior to publication. Van Meurs also does a service by resurrecting successful but neglected early studies, such as Elizabeth Drews of T. S. Eliot (1949), and discovering value even in reductionist and impressionistic studies, such as June Singers of Blake. Richer than all his tribe. Othello is a train wreck that the audience horrifyingly witnesses, helpless to prevent or look away. After Othello was convinced that Desdemona was cheating on him, Othello had started to show his disappointment with her. An example, is that they had to overcome a huge obstacle such as love because Othello and Desdemona were in love but her father did not approve of it. The character of Iago is so conducted, that he is from the first scene to the last hated and despised. This heuristic distinction was formed, however, solely on psychobiographical grounds: Did the text originate in, and remain principally shaped by, the authors experience of consciousness and the personal unconscious or his or her experience at the level of the archetypal collective unconscious? Peopleshow more content An outburst that othello has in a crowd of his peers causes people to start to question their noble leader. I pray you, in your letters, Literary Theory from 1900 to 1966: A-Z A Alexander Chirila First published: 24 December 2010 Read the full text PDF Tools Share Abstract Archetypal criticism is a form of analysis based on the identification and study of recurring symbolic and mythic patterns. "In Sidney's view, tragedy provokes "the affects of admiration and commiseration" and so demonstrates "the uncertainty of this world". The critic is at the center of interpretive activity, and the critic functions as teacher, interpreter, priest, seer. No single motive is relied on for long, and the gap between cause and effect, between the pettiness of Iagos grudges and the monstrousness of his behavior, prompted Samuel Taylor Coleridge in a memorable phrase to characterize Iagos motiveless malignity. There is in Iago a zest for villainy and a delight in destruction, driven more by his hatred and contempt for any who oppose his conception of jungle law than by a conventional naturalistic explanation based on jealousy or envy. Aristotles theory is not the final word on tragedy, however it can support in pinpointing the pivotal traits in. The first two acts of the play enact the standard pattern of Shakespeares romantic comedies. Iago's intelligence and wit allows him to make good sport of the protagonists of the play, sending Othello to his doom and that of his family. Aristotles second requirement for a tragedy is that the tragic hero must have a reversal of fortune. Some of these include the downfall from high position Othello goes from being the general, to being convicted of being a murderer. Othello also matches Aristotle's ideas of tragic hero because our Othello realizes the error of his ways, causing us to feel sympathy for him. Furthermore, they must also have a fatal flaw, that eventually leads to their downfall. According to Hillman, that discourse was anticipated by Evangelos Christous Logos of the Soul (1963) and extended in religion (David L. Millers New Polytheism, 1974), philosophy (Edward Caseys Imagining: A Phenomenological Study, 1976), mythology (Rafael Lopez-Pedrazas Hermes and His Children, 1977), psycholinguistics (Paul Kuglers Alchemy of Discourse: An Archetypal Approach to Language, 1982), and the theory of analysis (Patricia Berrys Echos Subtle Body, 1982).

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