miramonte high school cheerleader killed

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She slaughtered a girl. Was Bernadette fragile when she coolly discussed Kirstens murder with classmates, some of which include Kirstens friends. As for Kirsten making fun of outcasts, I agree every school has outcasts. . You cuss and run loose you wont be accepted. She must have really had a low opinion of herself!! Other people have called saying they have feelings about people who might be the suspect. People are going by that. The teen girl died in a fire at 6 a.m. Sunday morning in the Orinda home where she lived that is now the site of a growing memorial. Kirsten probaly spotted she wasnt all there and was going to out her on it. This is what makes me sad the most. I have to laugh with this being 2021 and the person with the most judgment has the name of Karen. There is no need to BULLY someone who is poor which is what Kristen did!!! Move on. I watched the movie again (both versions) and I have to agree with Miss Kiwi. 'Death of a Cheerleader' follows the story of two girls in Hollybrook High, in the fictional town of Colina, California. Mira note ran a lot of girls out from what I read. Whos to say she hasnt Murdered again, if so, she Covered her tracks better, and probaly let an innocent person take the blame and maybe jailed for it. The rest of you can lurk around and limp your hunchback selves to therapy. Classes are out for the Thanksgiving holiday this week, but the Miramonte wellness center opened Monday so students could come together and grieve, make cards for Luca and talk about her tragic passing. her a few times she was kind of uppity also like Kirsten. She could have gotten all of her 9 years. Bridget is a shy outsider, who wants to be popular and beautiful. Caskets cannot be covered with a flag of the deceased's nationality while in the church. "I was afraid she was going to tell people I was weird," Protti told the police on another occasion. As a result, many students believed that she was responsible for killing Kirsten. But first, let us briefly tell you what its about. The people implying that Kristen had it coming, or whoever else blamed her parents, are, in life, the jealous Bernadette types. Bernadette had plenty of other friends, she was in that group, Kirsten didnt have anything against Bernadette, if she would of left her alone, eventually they may of became friends, no she couldnt wait, wanted it all right now and pushed and forced her way into it. Lifetime released a remake, also titled Death of a Cheerleader, on Feb. 2, 2019. I feel for the Costas family. This Mats person you sound just like what Bernies BFF said about Kirsten exactly. She didnt like Nancy and a few others. Find out more here. See production, box office & company info, A Woman Scorned: The Betty Broderick Story. I didnt know either girl, but there are people who knew them both, they were both described as Sweet, Kirsten was more Outgoing, and Bernadette was more shyer. Yes Kirsten and them all thought they were better than a lot. It all started with Bernadette inviting Kirsten to a party, which the latter was unaware of. The girl with the football players heard she was ran out on her ear and laughed out of there to. 30 years ago, 15-year-old Costas was lured by a fake invitation for the Bob-O-Links service group dinner. The characters were loosely based on Kirsten and Bernadette. So Miramonte was no worse with snobs than any school. I was in 8 the grade with Kirstens brother Peter and Bernadette had babysat me years prior and was very sweet. But how did it come to this? There is no evidence of Kirsten being mercilessly cruel to anyone. Being disgusted with a murderer and defending a murder victim? Either way, it doesnt matter because Bernadette is a bitch, which is more important any day than looks. We lived it and lived through it, so its time to move on. Thisb isnt about Columbine, its about the Kirsten Costas case. Is the Action-War Epic 'The Dirty Dozen' Based on a True Story? As I wrote in another comment to you, If Bernadette killed Kirsten because she was bullied and put down by her, why didnt she give examples at her trial which would have strengthened her case? This is what can happen when you are a bully. I hear a lot of them still get together on Occasions, and others have moved on. I dont think she suffers from depression, but she is wanting to isolate from the World. Here we go again. Dylan and Eriks parents were loaded. However, she did not deserve to die. She only had Certain friends. Look inwards and think with consideration before you speak. Bernadette was sweet, cant imagine her even capable of something like Murder, but she was. The script for the movie was written by Randall Sullivan who wrote the one-sided scathingly critical Death of a Cheerleader article for Rolling Stone, which the movie was based on. There have been a couple people in my youth that I thought were extremely mean to me. The Los Angeles County Coroner determined he had committed suicide. I agree with Miss Kiwi, I believe Bernadette was dangerously obsessed with Kirsten. Her drive for perfection makes her seek out the friendship of Kelly Locke, a rich and pretty girl. I certainly dont condone murder under any circumstances even if someone is being bullied but I certainly think it is a terrible thing to actually do a movie that is based on true events without any detail to the accuracy of the characters. Tell me someone who is nice to every single person in the world and likes every single person in the world, if they do let me meet them. It would appear that kirsten marina costas was a spoilt rich kid who never had to go without any luxuries at all. Im sure Kirsten had her moments, no right to be Savagely Murdered. Very, very mean. Over, if Kirsten bullied B why didnt B use it to Strenghten her Case. She should of just left Kirsten alone and went on with other things, Kirsten wouldnt of gave her any thought otherwise, but she was just obsessed with Kirsten and Kirsten liking her, that was the main focus in her life, and it took Kirstens unfortunately. I think Kristen called Bernadette out on being a lesbian. Plenty of facts support that view. As I wrote in a previous comment to you above rupaul/joy, if there was evidence of Kirsten bullying Bernadette, she would have given examples which would have strengthened her case and possibly portrayed her as a sympathetic character. It was a tragedy that affected so many lives at that time. She got a short sentence because she was tried as a minor. I think she wanted to be part of the elite click. If Kirsten was so mean, why didnt Bernadette just stay away from her? Missy didnt start fights just stood her ground. I was the daughter of a single mom who was a teacher. Kirsten would probaly still be today to if she was still alive. Gregory Scott Cummins, film, television, and theater actor; NFL player. BETs 'American Soul' Tells a True Story With Mostly Fictional Characters. Kirsten was, and classmates mostly said she was a free fun spirit with a big heart and love for life. Kirsten was so adorable. people no one else liked she was to quite a few and hurt their feelings, she didnt want to associate with the bottom feeders at all, still no excuse for murder. I was told she had no known enemies. Nancy I would of never considered Murder, that is just plain Sick. I think she made a pass and got rejected. She is Crazy obviously, has enough problems and has to deal with murdering Kirsten and that doesnt help. Its in a teen girls blood to be Caddy and mean its just normal, but that dont give anyone the right to take someone elses life. As for the girls who got blamed, so sorry if your lives were miserable at the time, but remember Bernadette was scared herself and did t know what to do, she didnt aim for all that to come down. Lifetime manages to dramatically portray yet another vicious crime, so the viewers are left amazed at the depths of human depravity and the darkness of human minds, even if it is a 15-year-old girl. She probably just released her anger towards her so she could move on. I dont see how Kirsten was worse than any teenage girl. Catholic priests normally wear a violet, black or white stole during a funeral mass. It was okay at her age, like most teenagers who wish for the ultimate pinnacle of popularity. Even a Mother of one of her friends said, Kirsten was like a Puppy and hugged people,,not exclusive and liked everyone. They made that clear and so did she Every single day. She did well in school academically, had plenty of friends, her close friends genuinely cared about her, she was described as popular in her own wayand she was invited to join an exclusive sorority club. So thats not bullying, thats rejecting you, cause she knew Bern was off beat. She once told Kirsten to shut up in biology and thats why everyone thought shed done it. I know right. Dont matter if those 2 were mean and Bullies, no right to murder them, that went to far. Therefore, it was hard for the Prottis to afford the lifestyle that Bernadette desired. Rupaul Seems like alot of a holes justifying others that are a holes sorry no justification theres no reason to act like an a hole young or old, you treat all ppl with respect and the way you yourself would like to be treated dont need parents or Bible school to learn morality, any person who trust to justify any bad behavior has no morality or class in my opinion, and theres a post somewhere that says girls went along with bullying so they werent the ones being bullied lol, what a sad excuse thats called being a coward and a follower and has nothing to do with popularity depending on what ones warped definition is of popularity its not how a person looks or what they have or how they act but how they are perceived by what they do by inspiring ppl its being admirable and nothing is admirable about acting like trash talking scans that need to put others down to feel better about themselves thats just lowlives that probably pick on the handicaps as well real big of them, thats no one by definition that I popular some ppl must have thier definition all messed up and who says theyre popular anyway them lol Im sure every group thought they were the special ones, but by lowering ones level to picking on other ppl harassing demeaning and taunting them eventually theyre going to come across the wrong ppl who dont take that bs, and Im not justifying murder but it takes more than a bad comment on a pair of boots to push someone to that point, Im sure she didnt share all of the abuse she was subjected to, but I definitely compare scum that target other ppl to feel better about themselves like the leader of the holocaust and if thousands or plausibly millions werent followers of some psycho with an inflated ego than millions of ppl would have never been tortured or murdered all because scum bags like the ones that come up with excuses for bad behavior cant stand up for whats right because theyre pathetic loosers that are too afraid to stand up for whats right and they ate no better those ppl who did nothing and followed hitler were all conspirators and complicit and there are a multitude of cases just like that which is why ppl need to stop with there warped sense of wanting to belong to some misfit group that is the furthered thing from what is popular is really all about. Most teen girls are smart alecky and mean. Bernadette even tried to point her finger at Joanna as the one who killed Kirsten. Im not sure shes really sick, I just hear she is, and doesnt leave her home hardly. I hear she isnt a nurse any longer and just stays home mostly. As with the earlier movie, it's a loose fictionalization of the 1984 murder of high school sophomore Kirsten Costas . Not saying she was an Angel, Im sure she said something to hurt Someones feelings, who hasnt! I saw an interview with one of her classmates who described her as mean. Vanessa I agree I knew both girls. And the color pictures of the school are photographs I took. To conclude, it is obvious that Death of a Cheerleader is based on a true event that shocked the small American town. Setting up a fake meeting and lying about a Party is Strange and Weird. I live minutes from Columbine Highschool and you have absolutely no clue. Her parents were hard-working and respectable people, but Bernadette felt that they were too old and did not listen to her. Kirsten ran from the car and Bernadette pursued her. Santa Rosa Press Democrat Monday, June 25, 1984, Roseville Press-Tribune Monday, June 25, 1984. And, they realized, the problem didnt lie only with Bernadette. She was friends with my sister, came around our house a few times. Kirsten understandably didnt appreciate the fact that she was lured out of her house under false pretences, so she left Bernadettes car. You appear to be making up scenarios in your head about Bernadettes life and have difficulty differentiating fact from fiction. Kirsten was Snooty as well, so were the Stacys and the other Kirstens that ran with them. Kirsten was just Stuck up, but not a mean girl. Now that you know, have fun looking around! Put God first. Theres a reason why they changed the names for the movie because it was a fictionalized version and seemed entirely based on Bernadettes version of events and not anyone elses. Was she snotty to? To bad she did cause Im sure she would of grown out of her ways and be a positive influence in someones life today even. Kirsten ran from Bernadettes car and wanted to be left alone, yet Bernadette stalked Kirsten to her house. Just hearsay. She hasnt been there in awhile that I know of. I just hear she stays mostly to herself and dont see much of former classmates. She should of told the truth and met Kirsten at the house and talked there with her parents present. After her mother read it, she picked her up from school and went to the police station to record the confession. i remember always thinking that Bs case would had been much different today. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. "Our community is devastated. Anyone still get on these sites? Dont matter, been what 37 years. Like I said, Bernadette is shady. I dont think it was so much bullying as it was insecurity, I think Bernadette said something that went all wrong in the car. The officers all ran unopposed save for the position of junior class Treasurer. Kirsten was in the class of 1986, I just read on You tube on her recipe Video where she is sick now. She was the (In crowd) Bernadette was desiring to be the incrowd. I was raised to treat others with respect. Just saw the new Lifetime movie Death of a Cheerleader. You have no one to blame but yourselves for being unnattractive, fat, disliked, broke loserswhatever your issues are. Judge: Well, with the exception of the taped confession, this whole case is circumstantial. She was snooty to or maybe just misunderstood. Kirstens future was right there in front of her staring her in the face, like the prom, graduation and deciding what College she would of been going to and getting married and having Children. Bernadette/Jeanette has paid her dues. They probably rubbed her the wrong way, or got on her nerves somehow. Those bullied girls like I said were loose or cussed and smoked and (dressed roughly).. How could a teenager have been that diabolical? Ruelas' death stunned Miramonte students, teachers and parents. If Kirsten was mercilessly cruel to Bernadette, it would have been brought up at Bernadettes trial which would have strengthened her case, but it wasnt brought up because it didnt happen. If Bernadette had considered Kirstens familys feelings at all, she wouldnt have stolen Kirsten from them by brutally murdering her. It seemed like Bernadette needed intense psychotherapy for her issues. I am 59 years old and I remember it like it was yesterday. Contra Costa County Sheriffs deputies were searching yesterday for a teenage girl as a suspect in the stabbing death of another girl here Saturday night. She stuck to her story initially, but when Hilley described the psychological profile of the suspect in the case which showed, among other things, that the killer would have little remorse for her crime, Bernadette said, It sounds like me.. We didnt want to associate with them, cause we didnt want to get in trouble We got good grades and did what we were suppose to, our way of (having fun) and Choices were different than theirs. So Bernadette helped her out to gain acceptance. You want to defend your friend and so you should but once you start calling names and trampling over the comments of others you single yourself out as a bully. How dare you? However, this endeavor was met with several failures. I think Miramonte was like any School, you have your cliques and picks. In northern italy they have blonde hair fair and blue eyes . This is the true story Death of a Cheerleader is based on. There have been several changes in Orinda since Bernadette's arrest. Your email address will not be published. Like Missy Availa a girl said Missy was the meanest girl she ever met, and her worst bully ever. Her house was nice to,(as nice as Kirstens) so she wasnt a lonely poor girl who struggled for friends. Kirsten is the true victim in this case. Kirstens mother was trying not to get sick. Kirstens friends arent either (not one bit). Why deliberately refrain from giving examples if she could have been accused of first degree murder? Did you go to School with Kirsten and really know her? I was even accused of being (Stuck up) We were all just Misunderstood. I cant tell you if every single one of them get together, I know lots do. That would disturb most people. Bernadettes own parents turned her in. She refused to. So classy and dead on. Maybe you need (a Life of your own). Bernadette was afraid she would end up in the outside looking in ( which finally became the case) she took drastic measures to try and prevent it. I bet she finally became an outcast fro supporting Bernadette. And the sister projected her crappy life onto her younger sister because she was unhappy. We all had enemies and faults and all teen girls are Caddy and mean at some point, no reason to die, they outgrow it in adulthood, most do anyways, some never do. The guys did reject her, and that insensed her inferiorityand self esteem. A grown woman from England pretending to be someone who knew Bernadette, Kirsten, or Kirstens brother. I hear Kirsten was Beautiful inside and out. Im not saying that she should have been killed, but sometimes bad behavior has a terrible outcome which is why we all need to teach our children to respect the feelings of others. Stacey (Tori Lockwood) played Kirsten Costas, while Angie (Kellie Martin) played Bernadette Protti. Her mother drove her to the sheriff's office, where she made a full confession. They laughed, I think Kirsten was only teasing Nancy and Joanna they didnt mean any harm with it. So could LP, I hear she dont get around much to to many places anymore, shes not in California. The judgemental insecurities started there for Bernadette and everyone else that was raised in those conditions. I do remember all the stories before and after the killing. Kirsten was Cute and funny from my Standpoint. She had her whole life ahead of her, even if she was a smart aleck she would of grown out of it long before now. God would want you to forgive, Kirsten would as well. Bernadette lived in a bigger house than Kirsten, and family had just as much money as the Costas family, if not more. She was young and like any teen finding her way around. I know a gal who knew someone who knew Kirsten. >> Whoever wrote this article is not being honest All of the pictures featured here are photos taken from newspapers, not the authors private collection. I never understood why Bernadette killed Kirsten. But as she drove, she became frightened about how Kirsten might describe the evening to the other girls at school. I just felt like I didnt fit in at Miramonte or Orinda. LOL. A popular 15-year-old high school cheerleader described as an All American girl was stabbed to death on a neighbors doorstep, apparently by another teenage girl. Cause Bernadette was so obsessed with Kirsten liking her, she had some idea it was Bernadette, also Bernadette owned a Pinto same make as the car seen speeding away. The whole movie seems based on stuff Bernadette said and from her point of view which is a bit unfair. Kellie Martin did a masterful job playing the role of an awkward teenage girl desperately yearning for acceptance from the "In" crowd in high school. Kirsten Ill admit she wasnt in favor with stupid acting people and had zero tolerance for them, (as did I). She apparently moved again and left the medical field, probably because her real name and location was outed by amateur internet detectives. And yes Bernadette has enough problems, and theres Virus out there Worldwide that is killing people all over, and Rioters rioting in streets keeping the Virus alive, that is what the World needs to focus on today. She was Bubbly and Gregarious, loved to have a great time. I highly doubt I would like you either. How? She liked mostly everybody. The release of Death of a Cheerleader in the 90s rekindled an infamous story of a brutal murder in June 1984 in Orinda, California. Whats been done has been done. So whoever wrote Miramonte was a bad school and everyone cut everyone down, maybe it was you cause you werent socially accepted, and probably didnt make the best choices, or embarrassed yourself wanting the attention and. But those others today are still a lot of fun. They also laughed at you in the halls when you passed them, Bernadette to and Kirsten, I wasnt in the (wonderful in crowd) so I didnt fit in their world. Students at Miramonte High School in Orinda, whose social acceptance Bernadette Protti craved, said yesterday she should be kept in prison for a long time. That leaves only the knife and whether its true or not a witness corroborated the girls account. The movie, like most movies, is no an accurate account. I do believe she had some she didnt like, (but who didnt)! But I dont remember hearing or learning about it until many years later. Shut up already and get a life. Nicolle Devenish Wallace, former White House Communications Director and spokesperson for John McCain for President. (Bernadettes sister, Virginia, a bank examiner who took the witness stand, said she left foot-and-a-half-long knives in the car to slice tomatoes at lunchtime.). ORINDA (KPIX) -- The day after a deadly house fire killed a 16-year-old girl at her home in Orinda, friends and family on Monday were remembering her as a vivacious young woman who could light up a room. Was Bernadette fragile when she took Catechism classes with one of the accused girls and would have no doubt seen the emotional toll being falsely accused of murder would have taken on the girl, yet she acted like nothing was amiss. [Bernadette] had plenty of time to change her mind. The Costases charged that Bernadettes confession was riddled with lies that no one would use an eighteen-inch knife to cut a tomato and that Bernadette, casually dressed, never planned on taking Kirsten to a party. Theres other Measures to take other than Murder. Do you really think its acceptable to lure someone out of their house under false pretences and then expect a positive reaction if your lie is discovered? Bernadette had jealousy issues. People like you expect the world to owe you something. But Kirsten didnt deserve to die, some of those girls changed and are more sensitive. Even if she was, no right to murder her. She only confessed cause the FBI was cornering her, and she had no where to turn to. So this murderer just gets off free after 8 years and gets to live her life because (somebody picked on her)? She was rushed to the hospital by ambulance as police secured the scene. They were stuck up I didnt hate them, maybe they were misunderstood. No single human being has the effrontery to kill a fellow human being; talk less of a supposed child. Kirsten and she sort of got along, and,( sort of didnt). I cant believe they made a movie that was so offensive to the real victim. We all have someone we dont like. Did you know the 2 Accussed? My friend was a friend of hers. I hope it was justice, though I fear it may have been nothing more than entertainment. Get the news that matters from one of the leading news sites in Kenya, Kiambu Woman Dies, Leaves Behind Unfinished House Kenyans were Building Her, Linet Toto's Dowry: 7 Delectable Photos from MP's Negotiation Ceremony, Little Girl Begs Man on the Road for Money, Video Surprises Many, Chris Brown Throws Female Fan's Phone into Crowd after Sensual Dance on Stage, Pastor Ng'ang'a, Wife Loise Pay Tribute to Home He Grew up In, 100+ art captions, quotes and comments for a drawing on Instagram, 50+ famous Ethiopian proverbs about love, life, and education, 50+ dope captions for Instagram for boys and girls in 2021, Bolt Food courier registration: requirements, salary, contacts, What happened to Lil' Charles from Sweetie Pies? I know this because I was there in the same class of Kirsten and Bernadette. Angela gets snubbed as she attempts to kiss an elder gentlemen sitting in his car. It took investigators some time to conclude the case, which is quite baffling when looking back at the circumstances leading to the murder. People who are spouting off on Kirsten are either Rejects, or friends or family of (Bernadette). So RuPaul,Kelly and Sarah, you all need to get facts before you say Kirsten got what she deserved. So she had money, her family did. She calls to classmates to ask who made pompom girl and cheerleader. If you liked this article, please share it! According to The Los Angeles Times, Protti was sentenced to a juvenile prison for 7 years. You cant go back in time. No, it is about love, people. Ashley English, Women's World Cup of Rugby Team Captain, 2008. Who cares about that, that is no reason to be lured from your own home and murdered by a psycho. If we had to kill all 15:year olds who were Smart Aleck then we wouldnt have none making it to Graduation or getting their Drivers License. Also McDonald I heard of her on these sites. When Kirsten approached the Pinto she looked inside and said blandly, Oh, its you.. Well based on the movie, Kristen came off as a total snob and bully. I dont agree with the Miramonte comments. Lol the people saying bernadette was better looking and Kristen had it coming, oh boyhoping your not the ugly neighbor living on my block and lurking in my bushes. It tells the true story of Bernadette Protti and Kirsten Costas. Her biggest desire was to be liked and succeed, just like Kirsten. According to a court report dating back to 1985, these were some of the traits her cold-hearted killer, 16-year-old Bernadette Protti, was so jealous of that she decided to kill her. I also noticed, in both movies, Bridget/Angela kept staring at Kelly/Stacy. They were weird and odd mostly, I didnt like them myself. Eventually, she felt increasingly insecure and put down by Kirsten. Youre not looking at that Situation. Bernadette rang Kirstens mother to invite Kirsten to a non existent sorority dinner. They made it theyre choice to, like doing stupid stuff all the time. I think the outcast girls there would say Kirsten was a (bully) chaise no one liked them, and they would say that. Honestly teens do deserve another chance at something eventually. I guess that makes their daughter better than anybody elses. Yes Kirsten May of been Snooty, but she was also adorable to those who knew her.

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