evaluating sources examples

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You will need two sources on your References page. Selective thinking in which one has the tendency to search for or interpret information that coincides with their existing beliefs or ideas. Credentials: What are the author’s credentials? Evaluate Source Evaluation Evaluating Sources - Composition - LibGuides at NWACC Library When was it published (Currency and Relevance) 4. Examine source in full text (PDF or original print … There is often no definitive answer to the question of whether a website is suitable to your project. Journal Of Information Science , 39, 470-478. doi: 10.1177/0165551513478889 Meriam Library at California State University, Chico. reliable [ri-lahy-uh-buhl](adjective) trustworthy; containing true and legitimate information evaluate [ih-val-yoo-eyt] (verb) to judge or determine the reliability of Confirmation Bias. 4.26K subscribers. Home - Evaluating Resources - Library Guides at UC Berkeley A source is relevant if it can contribute to your paper in a meaningful way, which might include any of the following: Supplies support for core argument (s) Adds a sense of authority to your argument (s) Can the information be verified by other reputable sources? Evaluative Annotations - Annotated Bibliographies ... When we conduct research, we quickly learn that not every source is a good source and that we need to be selective about the quality of the … Goal: Understand the bias and purpose of the information to determine if a source is relevant to your information needs. • As you conduct research, preferably structured research, evaluate every single source. Evaluating information sources is a important part of the research process. Evaluating Your Sources In your search for information, you eventually face the challenge of evaluating the resources you have located and selecting those you judge to be most appropriate for your needs. Evaluate Your Sources - Evaluating Information Sources ... Because of the hodge-podge of information on the Internet, it is very important you develop evaluation skills to assist you in identifying quality Web pages. There are six (6) criteria that should be applied when evaluating any Web site: authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency, coverage, and appearance. Evaluating Print Sources – The Writing Center • University ... This is a judgement that you need to make based on the criteria outlined in this guide. libncsu. Examples: photographs, speeches, diaries, editorials, letters, … This section provides information on evaluating bibliographic citations, aspects of evaluation, reading evaluation, print vs. online sources, and evaluating Internet sources. I have picked 10 of them to represent a variety of source types. Understanding how to assess the credibility of the information you come across in your EE research is essential. Evaluating sources [Word 8.52 KB] This general template can be used with most sources and focuses students' attention on three core inquiry questions - who made the source, when did they make it and why? Evaluating Internet Resources. One criterion is the evaluation of the author. When you have found some websites assess their suitability using the criteria you have identified. Use the CRAAP Test to evaluate your sources. Popular sources (News and Magazines) There are many occasions on which reading articles from popular sources can help to introduce you to a topic and introduce you to how that topic is being discussed in society. This is a judgement that you need to make based on the criteria outlined in this guide. This website provides criteria you should use to evaluate any information source. Use these strategies to help middle and high school students identify relevance, accuracy, bias, and reliability in the content they read. Evaluating Sources - APA Style - LibGuides at Otterbein University APA Style Scholarly vs. Non-scholarly Periodicals Popular Magazines The primary purpose of these periodicals is to produce a profit for the publisher. When was the information published or posted? You look at the author(s) and their affiliation for ALL sources. Peer-reviewed journals will have a referee jersey ("refereed" is another term for "peer-reviewed") - example below; Introduction This guide is intended to help students evaluate online sources. Evaluating websites follows the same process as for other sources, but finding the information you need to make an assessment can be more challenging with websites. Reflecting on […] Available for public purchase at stores and newsstands To evaluate internet sources: The internet is a great place to find both scholarly and popular sources, but it's especially important to ask questions about authorship and publication when you're evaluating online resources. The source you’re evaluating plus at least one other source you’ve consulted to prove its reliability (or lack thereof). Read the source's reference list (if available) Find out more about the publisher, journal, etc. Evaluating a source using the CRAAP test can help you determine whether or not it is trustworthy and reliable. This essay examines how to evaluate sources within the context of Wikipedia's content policies. Many newspapers are also printed in clearly defined columns. A range of resources and interactive games for information literacy developed by Newcastle University Library for 6th Formers. As you gather sources for your research, you’ll need to know how to assess the validity and reliability of the materials you find. Your task as a student academic is to develop your skills in finding and evaluating sources. Primary & Secondary Sources. For one it has reduced the cost of and increased the ease of access to information. The internet is a system of networks and a communications tool, not a source. Evaluate Your Sources: The CRAAP Method Knowing where information is coming from, who wrote it, and why they wrote it, is an important step in doing research. How to Evaluate SourcesCredentials What does the author know about the subject?Objectivity Does the author have an agenda?Documentation Where did the author get the information?Timeliness When was the material written?Review and Editing For example, one of the first things some liaison librarians talk about in research appointments is the importance of using scholarly reference sources and even Wikipedia to build context and gain a foothold in a new research area. Example 2 This primary source was created in the edo period in Japan there is no identifiable author because it is a combination of hundreds of historical documents from the Tokugawa period. Are the links functional? University of Georgia; Evaluating Internet Sources: A Library Resource Guide. This section teaches how to identify relevant and credible sources that you have most likely turned up on the Web and on your results pages of the library … Has the information been revised or updated? Study the positives and negatives page to find out about the resources available to you.. For example, books are reliable and accessible, but also time consuming and can often be outdated.. Evaluation Source analysis sheet. An essential part of online research is the ability to critically evaluate information. Source Evaluation. Evaluating Internet Information. All About Explorers’ mission is to teach students to check their facts with a second source, so the site is riddled with tons of incorrect information. Also note that the tilde (~) in the URL usually indicates a personal page. Examples of sources that are often the most credible:  Official government websites; Institutional sites that represent universities, regulatory agencies, governing bodies, and respected organisations with specific expertise; Peer-reviewed journals; Reputable news sources; Examples of sources that are often considered less credible: Blogs; Web forums Newsprint paper lacks gloss or protective coating, so newspaper ink is more likely to stick on your fingers. For example, if you are researching about the importance of bilingual education, you would want to use sources written by experts in the educational fields. Evaluating sources 1. This BBC video was created as an April Fool’s Joke, but it’s an excellent example of the need to evaluate information found on the open web. background, social media, news, scholarly/academic) and asks them to select a source and rate it using critieria about the relevance, timeliness, and authority. EXAMPLES - Source Evaluation & Annotated Bibliographies - Harold L. Drimmer Library Research Guides at Westchester Community College Library EXAMPLE Student Examples in MLA Version 8 Student Examples - MLA version 8 Two examples from ENG 101 and 102 students at WCC. CRAAP is an acronym for Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose. There are many different methods for evaluating sources of information. Most of the sources you use in your assessments should be credible and academic, such as peer reviewed journals and scholarly texts. Is the information current or out-of date for your topic? The cognitive bias identified most often was confirmation bias, which is the tendency of individuals to select evidence that supports rather than refutes a given hypothesis. Be wise to retracted scholarly papers. Keep in mind that the sources you find have all been put out there by groups, organizations, corporations, or individuals who have some motivation for getting this information to you. Note that the appearance of a newspaper source differs from other sources. Print and Internet sources vary widely in their authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency, and coverage. Evaluating Academic Sources. Online Library Learning Center. Students will gain confidence explaining the reasoning behind their evaluation of any given source. Critically Analyzing Information Sources. Scholarly and Popular Sources. At the close of the lesson, students return to the sources they have gathered for their research tasks and evaluate them based on credibility to determine which are reliable sources worthy of using. This is because some of my sources were very similar, for example I used several tourist board websites, which all have the same reliability and usefulness. After the self-evaluation is a discussion of general criteria for all formats, an explanation of the parts of a book, and then a discussion of criteria for specific formats – print and electronic. • Your first run through of evaluation criteria takes place as you are selecting which sources to use. See Retraction Watch and Retraction Databases When you evaluate a source, you need to consider the seven core points shown in Figure 7.2. They are raw materials with a direct relationship to whatever is being studied. You don't need to be able to answer all the questions but use the list as a general evaluating tool. Evaluating Web sources Authorship. When evaluating a work for inclusion in, or exclusion from, your literature review, ask yourself a series of questions about each source. 5.1.1 Evaluating books. For example, some authors post their content on blog or wiki platforms hosted by companies with .com addresses. Source evaluation is the process of critically evaluating information in relation to a given purpose in order to determine if it is appropriate for the intended use. Evaluate websites and other sources of information for relevance, accuracy, authority, purpose, and timeliness. In history courses, primary sources refer to sources that were written during the time period (e.g., newspapers from the time, diaries, letters, etc) In literature courses, this often refers to the work you are reading (a novel, poem, etc) Secondary - These are books or articles that summarize, evaluate and report on primary research. Good sources that can generally be trusted are for example:The EconomistBloombergThe New York TimesPoliticoThe Wall Street Journal Source criticism (or information evaluation) is the process of evaluating an information source, i.e. a document, a person, a speech, a fingerprint, a photo, an observation, or anything used in order to obtain knowledge. In relation to a given purpose, a given information source may be more or less valid, reliable or relevant. Examples include Time, Newsweek, and People. In all cases, once you have located sources, be sure to evaluate them, using the evaluation guides. 3. If you have landed directly on an internal page of a site, for example, you may need to navigate to the home page or find an “about this site” link to learn the name of the author. https://researchguides.library.brocku.ca/external-analysis/evaluating-sources Evaluative annotations (also known as "critical" annotations) summarize the essential ideas in a document and provide judgments—negative, positive, or both—about their quality. Relevant sources are those that pertain to your research question. The source was officially published by the historical institute of Tokyo which contains many qualified historians, archaeologists and more. via their websites, information provided with the source, etc. In general, does the information in the source article match with information found in other sources, or is it different or unique? Key points Sources come in many forms. Figure 7.2. Identifying Misinformation, Disinformation, and "Fake News". In order to persuade your reader of your position, your writing needs to incorporate evidence and sources. Additional Resources - links to other sites with useful evaluation information along with citation resources. As you search for information, it's important to understand whether or not the sources you're using are appropriate for the type of research you're doing. To ensure you include only valid information in your research, evaluate your sources using the criteria below. Grading Rubric Licenses and Attributions Previous Next Objectivity : Does the Author Have an Agenda? This site is a fairly obvious joke - octopi are sea animals and do not live … Does the Web site or document have an author? SPOOF WEBSITE 1. Source evaluation is the process of critically evaluating information in relation to your EE in order to determine if it is appropriate for your research question. The interactive tutorial "Evaluating your Sources" offers you practice exercises in source evaluation (may not work in Chrome). Was the source peer-reviewed or refereed; that is, have reputable experts in the field formally approved the content or research methods? In the following sections you will learn about criteria for evaluating reference sources. When you have found some websites assess their suitability using the criteria you have identified. Currency When was this material published or put on the Internet? There are pesticide issues with the environment, for example, that have nothing to do with this question. This example uses the MLA format for the book citation. Title Evaluating Sources: the Matrix; Description: This activity presents students with several categories of sources (ex. Evaluation Examples. Is it outdated? YouTube. Evaluating sources During your research process, you will collect a lot of information from books, articles, and websites. For example, if many of the sources appear to be highly partisan or emotionally charged, the original source may be about a polarizing issue, or the source itself may be polarizing. https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/evaluating-print-sources Title Evaluating Sources: the Matrix; Description: This activity presents students with several categories of sources (ex. This has, however, led to the problem of establishing the credibility of information before a researcher can use it. For example, if you were researching John F. Kennedy's role in the United States' involvement in Vietnam, Kennedy's own writings would be one of many primary sources available on this topic. Likewise, if you were searching for information about how to fix your vehicle, you might consult a local mechanic because he or she is knowledgeable about cars. When you find a new source of information, especially on the Internet, ask yourself the following questions. A guide to evaluating sources (The C.R.A.A.P Test) The CRAAP Test is a list of questions to help you evaluate the information you find.The different criteria of the C.R.A.A.P Test is a really important guide on what you need for your assignment / research / or evidence. This is an important part of information literacy. Newspapers may be stapled or folded, and are typically printed on newsprint. The quality of information available on the internet can vary significantly. These are some examples of secondary sources: systematic reviews or meta analysis Authors gather together a lot of primary research studies and then analyze them. The table below shows which characteristics are more commonly associated with scholarly or popular sources. Articles in popular sources, in most cases: are written by journalists or professional writers for a general audience When doing research, you will use a variety of sources such as books, newspaper articles, magazines or journals, and websites. It can be tempting to use the most convenient source, or a source that pops up on the first page of a Google search. Help with Reading & Understanding Your Sources - includes general academic reading strategies and critical reading strategies. You’ll be able to figure that out fairly quickly by reading or skimming particular parts of sources and maybe jotting down little tables that help you keep track. You may need to do some clicking and scrolling to find the author’s name. A lthough not a form of written evaluation in and of itself, source evaluation is a process that is involved in many other types of academic writing, like argument, investigative and scientific writing, and research papers. (Cornell University Library*) Learn the difference--Scholarly vs. Popular Periodicals. Summary: Evaluating sources of information is an important step in any research activity. Remember that even if an older article would be useful, always make sure that you can establish when the source was written and/or published. It is essential to analyze any source, but especially web resources, for content, validity, and appropriateness. 33 slide presentation that covers: - purpose of research - a very useful method of evaluating a source - practice evaluating sources with real examples: both whole class instruction and small group / individual practice - broad vs. narrow topics - practice broadening or narrowing a topic - … You can use the following checklist, adapted from “Evaluating Internet Resources” (UMUC, 1998), to evaluate any of your sources, but especially those on the web. Print & Database Sources. 363 Words 2 Pages. These sources are a selection of some of those that I used throughout my research. Evaluating Sources Evaluation Criteria for Seeking Relevant, Useful and Accurate Information 2. Evaluating Internet Sources. Simple example of source evaluation. Section 2 - Source evaluation 1) Authority: This text has authority to a certain extent, the author is easily identifiable (Daniel Schwartz). Instructors expect students to use scholarly sources: using better sources often results in better grades! Olsen Library. Students are asked to cite the source, identify the source type, discuss the purpose, examine the credibility of the author, discuss the accuracy of the information, and discuss currency. Evaluative annotations are typically three to four sentences long. There is often no definitive answer to the question of whether a website is suitable to your project. The following guidelines can help you decide if a website is a … Sometimes it may be difficult to determine ... For example, an article on current medical research or case law is more time-sensitive than an essay on Aristotle. Primary sources are original documents, objects, or media created during the time of the event being researched, or by an individual(s) who directly experienced an event, made a discovery, or created a new work of art. For more information on interrogating sources, see Identify bias. Sources: positives and negatives. Module 2 – Case ARGUMENTATION Case Assignment Note: Module 2 SLP should be completed before the Module 2 Case. This set of pages has information on how to do library research. Evaluating Sources Using the CARP Test. Evaluating Sources Essay Example The information is current although there are some references used form 7 years ago, but reliable sources are used. you are researching the Crusades, you might focus on the religious beliefs, the Islamic point of view, the economics of the campaigns, the role of the kings, the Catholic Church, the history of each Crusade, the geography, the sociology, or even t To ensure you include only valid information in your research, evaluate your sources using the criteria below. Evaluating for Relevancy. Look for examples of plagiarism, exaggeration, prejudice, or bias in the source. For example, if you are comparing how attitudes towards travel have changed since 9/11, it would be useful to find information both prior to and following 9/11. This assignment asks students to evaluate sources to use for their research (customize the number of sources you ask students to evaluate). For the policy on sourcing issues, see this section of Wikipedia:No original research, and Wikipedia:Verifiability.If there are inconsistencies between this page and the policies, please … Make sure the author cited his sources so you can evaluate their merit. The authors didn't go out and do it, they just analyzed it or wrote about it. Why Evaluate Sources? ... Let's look at an example and evaluate the purpose: Examine each information source you locate and assess sources using the following criteria: Ask yourself these questions about your sources. Meola [1] also contains important arguments and examples on how to evaluate informatio n sources by using other source s for comparison an d fact-checkin g. Criticism. What is the likely bias (if any) of the author … The CARP Test is a way to evaluate an information source based on the following criteria: Currency, Authority, Relevance & … Part of evaluating a source is deciding whether it is a primary, secondary, or tertiary source. 33 slide presentation that covers: - purpose of research - a very useful method of evaluating a source - practice evaluating sources with real examples: both whole class instruction and small group / individual practice - broad vs. narrow topics - practice broadening or narrowing a topic - … Evaluative annotations usually begin with broad comments about the focus of the source then moves to more details. For example, you might look at the publisher for books, but for articles you’ll look at the magazine, newspaper, journal, or web source it came from. Even though evaluating sources is more an art than a science, I'd hope that anything seeking to quantify its answers would do so in a more rigorous way (in spite of the necessary wiggle room of the "most likely reliable" categorization). Thinking Critically About Sources Evaluating sources often involves piecing together clues. A bid is a fee writers offer to clients for each particular order. The higher the number of questions answered yes, the more likely it is that the source is of high quality. Explore the process of evaluating sources for reliability, credibility, and worth. Not all information is reliable or true, nor will all information be suitable for your paper or project. Find information on how libraries work, how to identify good sources, how to use and evaluate sources as well as knowing how to … Workshop Exercise: Evaluate a News Article The Exercise: Your job is to fact-check the content, evaluate the author's background in the subject they write about, and determine the journalistic standards, values, ethics, or guidelines used by the source. Example evaluation paragraph: The 1938 book Poisonous Mushroom by German Nazi Ernst Hiemer is very useful in answering the sub-question regarding how the Nazi party influenced young people in the 1930s. Evaluation Examples. RADAR: An approach for helping students evaluate Internet sources. Examples of primary sources include autobiographies, personal correspondence (e.g., diary entries, letters), government documents, works of art and literature, statistics and data, and newspaper articles written by reporters close to the source. The source genres can be adapted to fit the kinds of sources students will be utilizing for their … Unlike similar information found in newspapers or television broadcasts, information available on the Internet is not regulated for quality or accuracy; therefore, it is particularly important for the individual Internet user to evaluate the resource or information. However newspapers are current and also easy to access but are biased and contain only a limited amount of information.. Find out more about the … literature reviews background, social media, news, scholarly/academic) and asks them to select a source and rate it using critieria about the relevance, timeliness, and authority. For example, the list features four main questions regarding publishers (or sponsoring organizations): 1. For example, if your question asks whether pesticides in foods are harmful, don’t just select any source that has to do with pesticides. Secondary sources evaluate or analyze what others have done or witnessed or created. Evaluating Sources. The truthfulness and integrity of the facts (Accuracy) 5. Content How it is written and present When doing research, you will use a variety of sources such as books, newspaper articles, magazines or journals, and websites. Teaching Adolescents How to Evaluate the Quality of Online Information. For primary and secondary sources you located in your search, use the ASAP mnemonic to evaluate inclusion in your literature review: Age. Student Sample You can access a student sample of an APA paper by visiting the Online Writing Lab. This guide will help you identify different types of sources and offer tips for critically evaluating them. Others might include relevant government documents and contemporary newspaper articles. The following student templates support the analysis of different sources. Example. 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