how to return an array in javascript

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element – We are referring to the current element here. console.log(array_Clone([1, 2, [4, 0]])); If the length is empty then return empty array []. the json encoded string is converted to js object that can now be manipulated easily. Write a JavaScript function to get the last element of an array. When I initially tried working through this problem I was trying to grab the first element using .shift(), setting that to a variable named first, then using .push() to add it to the end of the original array. Conclusion array.forEach(callback) method is an efficient way to iterate over all array items. 1. The value is an unsigned, 32-bit integer that is always numerically greater than the highest index in the array. Array.reduce() can be used to find the maximum element in a numeric array, by comparing each value: var arr = [1, 2, 3]; var max = arr. You will be performing a certain test on an original array and the elements that pass this test will be returned to the new array using this method. We can use an array as a deque with the following operations: We will create a function which will take the given array and its length as a input. Posted on April 23, 2019 | by Prashant Yadav, Posted in Algorithms, Arrays, Stack | Tagged Easy. Read this JavaScript tutorial and learn about the methods used to find the minimum and maximum number of elements in an array. Array.prototype.reduce() function can be used to iterate through an array, adding the current element value to the sum of the previous item values. Chrome DevTools are available by downloading and installing the latest version of Google Chrome. Iteration Two