patient and public participation . NHS England’s ambition is for patients and the public to be at the heart of everything we do, in line with the values of the NHS Constitution. This work is underpinned by our Patient and Public Participation Policy and Statement of Arrangements and Guidance on Patient and Public Participation in … The ‘Patient and public participation in commissioning health and care’ guidance aims to support NHS staff to involve people in work to improve services and provides advice on the legal duty to involve. If you live in the Midlands and Lancashire region, you may wish to get involved in the Patient and Public Participation (PPP) programme, which has been commissioned by NHS England as a pioneer engagement project. The document also sets out 10 actions CCGs and NHS England can take to embed involvement in their work. This policy is for patients and the public, and for NHS England staff. Strengthening Patient and Public Participation in the work of NHS England Overview NHS England’s ambition is for patients and the public to be at the heart of everything we do, in line with the values of the NHS Constitution. The value of this patient, service user, carer and public involvement has been shown many times in the guidance NICE has produced. Recognition that CCGs’ legal duties are separate – but linked (patients with high levels of skill, knowledge and confidence to take control of their own health and wellbeing are more likely to participate in engagement activities and vice versa) It sets out NHS England’s ambition of strengthening patient and public participation in all of its work, and how it intends to achieve this. A DRAFT over-arching Patient and Public Participation Policy. NHS England. The draft policy outlines different types of involvement roles and the support on offer to PPV partners. A DRAFT accompanying Statement of Arrangements and Guidance for Involving the Public in Commissioning document. The term ‘patients and the public’ includes everyone who uses services or may do so in the future, including carers and families. OFFICIAL Document number: 04415 Issue: 30/11/2015 Version number: 1 Status: Approved Next review date: 31/03/2017 Page 7 1 Introduction This document should be read alongside the NHS England Patient and Public Participation Policy which sets out our broad intentions and ambition to strengthen patient and public participation in all aspects of our work. in place e.g. NHS England’s ambition is for patients and the public to be at the heart of everything they do, in line with the values of the NHS Constitution. Volunteers will need to be available to join a webinar (online meeting) from 2-3pm on Friday 3 March 2017. NHS Involvement: Patient and Public Participation programme, Midlands and Lancashire. This policy is for patients and the public, and for NHS England staff, to broadly outline our approach to participation. They are working to strengthen participation in all of their projects and programmes of work, including policy making and commissioning (the process of planning, buying and monitoring health services). NHS England’s ambition is for patients and the public to be at the heart of everything we do, in line with the values of the NHS Constitution. NICE is committed to continuing and developing its patient and public involvement work, a commitment underpinned by this policy. policy and arrangements. This policy: sets out NICE's commitment and approaches to patient and public involvement NHS England has a patient and public participation policy (LINK TO NEW POLICY TO BE ADDED) which sets out its arrangements for involvement. The NHS England Board includes a Chairman and Non-Executive Directors, who all have responsibility for ensuring that the views of patients and the public are appropriately considered by the Board. Also if you could like to volunteer to review their new policy about NHS England works with its patient and public voice (PPV) partners. We are working to strengthen participation in all of our work, including policy making and commissioning (the process …
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