the false uniqueness effect is quizlet

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This is an example of: the tendency. Research indicates that __________ and __________ are the two main motivations underlying the self-serving bias. Who will make the best prediction of how long her new relationship will last? B. skill; chance Raquel buys stock in two different companies. The tendency for people to overestimate the link between variables that are related only slightly or not at all is known as the conjunction fallacy. The so-called "gambler's fallacy" refers to. That is, one of the things you ask about is. B. Individuals tend to think that their attributes and traits are more uncommon and rare than they actually are. That is, instead of seeing a "chair," for example, these people see "a wooden object with four legs." D. self-concept, Joe was delighted when his favorite team won the Super Bowl. A. no different from those with low self-esteem the false uniqueness effect. Carmen's underestimation of how long it would take her to complete her paper is an example of: One thing you ask yourself is whether you have ever seen him explode in anger at anyone else, or in other kinds of situations. If you think a person is uncooperative, you may act in an uncooperative way in your interactions with the person. How does the status of group members impact conformity? B. the unrealistic optimism about future life events People tend to want to explore MOST issues thoroughly before making decisions. why people tend to overestimate the degree to which members of minority groups engage in criminal behaviors. C. thoughts Polina is 3 years old. -overestimate the degree to which others share their attitudes and opinions. A. failure and distance ourselves from success. _____ what others think about your nervousness. This future self-schema you imagine is an example of a/an: B. feared self How can you change an implicit attitude? A. hoped-for self When people make the fundamental attribution error about entire groups of people (as opposed to individuals), psychologists say that they are making the ultimate attribution error. The field of social cognition first emerged in the __________ as __________. Internal attribution involves explaining behavior in term of a person's personal characteristics, whereas external attribution involves explaining behavior in terms of a person's situation/circumstances. B. for Japanese college students, happiness comes with positive social engagement This was early evidence of the phenomenon known as. the illusory correlation. D. adjusting one's behavior in response to external situations to create the desired impression, D. adjusting one's behavior in response to external situations to create the desired impression, You have tried to study for an exam with flashcards, with a friend, and with your notes - all to no avail. You begin to feel that you should give up, as whatever you do does not seem to help your exam scores. Suppose that you meet someone who is smart, adventurous, and highly knowledgeable about rockets and outer space. Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. According to Harold Kelley's attribution theory, when consistency and consensus are both perceived to be low. After the winning touchdown was scored he said "This has made my month and nothing is going to bring me down from this!" D. illusion of transparency, When we compare ourselves with others, most of us tend to: Explain the difference between screening decisions and preference decisions. In making this statement, your friend was most likely guided by. When she goes to college, she meets a Hispanic student. C. high self-efficacy Before the rise of social cognition, the field of social psychology was dominated by, When people make internal, stable attributions for others' successes or failures, these attributions tend to concern questions of, When people want to suppress a thought, the automatic mind works to. what is involved in going to a restaurant. With prices like that, we're bound to have a delicious meal!" B. self-efficacy I wouldn't have hit that stupid tree and ended up getting this huge ticket! . On the eleventh flip, is it more likely to be heads, tails, or are heads and tails equally likely ? The first instinct fallacy refers to the false belief that it is better not to change one's first answer even if one starts to think that a different answer is correct. For example: Thinking that other people share your opinion on controversial topics; Overestimating the number of people who are similar to you; B. self-schema; self-concept In Asch's study, the correct answer/behavior was obvious and when making such judgments alone, almost no mistakes were made. The three types of social influence are information social influence, situational factors, and normative social influence. That is, you might __________ and rely on the __________. B. low; low Research indicates that people are especially likely to engage in the false consensus effect when it comes to _____, and especially likely to engage in the false uniqueness effect when it comes to _____. Add images, definitions, examples, synonyms, theories, and customize your content to . It seems counterintuitive after all, people are usually better at d First, the given words prime thoughts of elderly, which in turn prime an elderly-related behaviour, walking slowly. Encouraging people to rely more on their memories. This is an example of: ", In theory, it would be possible for a child to have a script of. Social psychologists refer to this kind of pattern as an, People generally prefer to conserve effort by relying on automatic modes of thought (rather than, Suppose that you are at a departmental meeting at work, and one of your co-workers starts screaming at you and calling you a "stupid freak." The fact that we usually attribute more responsibility to our partners than to ourselves when problems arise in a relationship is an example of how: Describe the major characteristics of the garage coverage form. Three-year-old children tend to think that the Stroop test is really easy, as compared to 6-year-old children, 12-year-old children, or adults. Once he feels like he knows that, he goes on. D. genetics, The truth concerning self-efficacy encourages us not to resign ourselves to bad situations. B. no different from those that have only high self-esteem 41%; 90% Thus, people tend to think that they see a lesbian-AIDS relationship when in fact there is no such relationship. a person thinks they are overly special for being talented or performing a . D. stress their individual accomplishments and uniqueness, D. stress their individual accomplishments and uniqueness, Goel et al. B. we are all in this together D. explicit, An example of how social comparisons can actually breed misery, rather than satisfaction, is when we; D. have no idea, Most people perceive themselves as: D. neither individual achievement nor relationships. What is an example of impact bias? . D. self-value, What differentiates a narcissist from someone high in self-esteem? Research indicates that __________ engage in counterfactual thinking; and that __________ engage in meta-cognition. The false-uniqueness effect is an attributional type of cognitive bias in social psychology that describes how people tend to view their qualities, traits, and personal attributes as unique when in reality they are not. Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson, Religion - Rituals & Violence & Scriptures &, American Government U.S. Constitution study G. Whenever Yael thinks about bad things happening to her ex-boyfriend, she gets "creeped out;" she feels like she will actually make bad things happen to him just by thinking about it. The so-called "self-serving bias" refers to the tendency for people to. Who is likely to be more disappointed? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Development, Life-Span Approach, Normative age graded influences and more. Cram has partnered with the National Tutoring Association. D. pete's roommate, Self-monitoring is: B. social comparison B. self-monitoring D. he is self-monitoring, Which of the following is NOT one of the ways that the self-serving bias is adaptive? -"Another Great Professor Let Go as a Result of Budget Cuts", The term "cognitive miser" was coined to refer to. Even though you are not actually ill at all, as you walk home from the hospital you do so with a slight limp, and begin lightly coughing. Why? How does the "door-in-the-face" compliance technique work? How does the "low-ball" compliance technique work? B. That is, it can be __________ in different ways. Suppose that you meet an old man named Al. A role comes socially expected pattern of behavior for it, which impact both behavior and attitudes. But Mr. Y thinks that George W. only became president because he was "in the right place at the right time," and had good luck. B. more negatively A gain-framed appeal focuses on framing something in terms. C. moderately Jules hated the book, and seems to feel that the reviewer also hated it. She then goes ahead and orders a deluxe chocolate milkshake. In order to feel good about ourselves, we . But when the individuals were put in a group, the individuals conformed to the majority view/answer, which was clearly incorrect. The belief that people can control totally chance situations is the. E-communication, or electronic communication, refers to the transfer of writing, signals, data, sounds, images, signs or intelligence sent via an electronic device. C. self-esteem In pronouncement of 18, the fallacy in this statement has too many questions. -You have a general sense of what cats are like, how they behave, and how they are different from other animals. Social psychology is interested in how the group affects the individual and vice-versa. Please upgrade to Cram Premium to create hundreds of folders! What is the difference between internal attribution and external attribution? A. poor self-control 110.Brian watches smugly as the car ahead of his is pulled over for speeding. D. slightly, Researchers reported a _______ correlation between persistence and self-efficacy. (2010) found that Facebook users were _____ accurate in guessing when they agreed with their friends on political issues and _____ accurate in guessing disagreement. B. self-schema C. fear You would be correct in speculating that she likely has _______ feelings of self-efficacy. C. the tendency to see our talents and moral behaviors as relatively unusual. Examples of impact bias For example, gaining or loosing a romantic partner, getting or not getting a promotion . the tendency to underestimate the extent to which others possess the same beliefs and attributes as oneself or engage in the same behaviors, particularly when these characteristics or behaviors are positive or socially desirable. Because most people are cognitive misers, they tend to __________ as little as possible. The false consensus effect refers to the tendency for people to. Attribution theory is MOST concerned with, The paradoxical effects of thought suppression have been linked to psychological disorders such as. According to Myers, the best term for this symptom is: This also makes you think about all of the fun and crazy things you did on your trip. B. collectivism C. possible self What decision barriers must marketers overcome if consumers are aware of the Diderot effect? She is just beginning to understand concepts such as "dog," "cat," "chair," and "sofa," and to understand how these concepts differ from one another. The more Hilder thinks about the fact that she cannot eat such foods, however, the more desperately she begins to crave them. D. headlight effect, Greenberg (2008) argues that, to manage their fear of death and feel that their lives are not in vain, people seek to pursue self-esteem by meeting the standards of their society. D. general; inflated, Saying "I earned an A on my psychology test" versus "My instructor gave me a C on my psychology test" exemplifies how we associate ourselves with: A. the anticipation of problems to motive effective action. A. strong Agreeing to a request is to _____ as obeying a command . A. internal A. anger A. self-concept B. experience more stress A. self-handicapping The overestimation could be explained in terms of, Social cognition refers to a movement within social psychology that focuses on. Shortage is caused by issues pertaining to real goods and. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Normative social influence is to seeking _____ as informational social influence is to seeking _____. Jacob is taking his psych test. A. jill She figured it would only take two days to write the paper so she did not start it until two days before it was due. A. planning fallacy the (false) belief that chance events are affected by previous events, and that chance events will "even out" across a relatively short period of time. Research indicates that people are especially likely to engage in the false consensus effect when it comes to __________, and especially likely to engage in the false uniqueness effect when it comes to __________. To Mr. Yipol's astonishment, though, the students actually perform worse this time. How did Asch's study prove the concept of normative social influence? As discussed in the textbook, research participants who read a story about a character named "Donald"a character who engages in skydiving, demolition derby driving, and other similar activitiestend to think that Donald is especially reckless when, -they have been primed with words like "dangerous" and "risky. Yet Joe persists in his belief that people from "up north" are snobby. In short, we take credit for our successes but not for our failures. it is more likely they will win the next hand than it actually is. C. mirror-self D. internal locus of control; self-concept, In the U.S., those living in Hawaii and the deep South exhibit more _______ than those living in the Mountain West states. D. lower the standards by which we evaluate our own attainments, C. raise the standards by which we evaluate our own attainments, A study by Gilovich, Medvec, and Savitsky (2000) had undergraduate students enter a room wearing Barry Manilow T-shirts. That is, the smell of coconut oil __________ memories of your trip. B. the unrealistic optimism about future life events. If Raquel is like most people, then she will MOST likely. At the end of the reading program, he administers the same reading exam again. Most psychology research has used middle-class White American respondents. Believing that other people think and act the same way we do can be beneficial to our self-esteem. A. low self-esteem by, This is the False Uniqueness Definition that is shared across psychological research. A. Joel who lives in Hawaii A. compare ourselves to close friends -men and women seem to use different techniques to count sex partners, and seem to define "sex" slightly differently. D. the tendency to see oneself as superior to others. These shortcuts are known as. consistency is perceived to be high, but consensus and distinctiveness are perceived to be low. B. increases magical thinking. Similarly, instead of seeing two dogs, such people might see "a small tan animal with fur and a large brown object with its tongue hanging out." He tells Kirk, If you dont start working out soon, you are going to die young and leave your children without a father! Dr. Canne is using a(n). C. the tendency to underestimate the commonality of one's abilities. B. external Researchers have suggested that there are three main reasons why false consensus occurs: 3 . According to the attribution theorist Harold Kelley, people make attributions for others' behaviors -according to the covariation principle. 90%; 41% -people rely on irrational thinking the vast majority of the time, but are still capable of engaging in careful, conscious thought when they need to make important decisions. Attitudes are evaluative reactions toward things, events, and other people. Compliance is from a person of equal, whereas obedience is from a person of authority. Halfway through the second day Carmen was devastated; she wasn't even halfway done yet! The fact that men and women report having had very different numbers of sex partners can be almost completely explained by the fact that men have engaged in more homosexual sex. Counterregulation occurs when people indulge in a behavior they are trying to regulate after an initial regulation failure. In a famous early study in social psychology, fans of two rival football teams were asked to watch footage of an actual game that was very close. What is the false uniqueness effect quizlet? Most people with high self-esteem value individual achievement and relationships with others. the false uniqueness effect is quizlet dr thomas horn wikipedia. Population. Is this belief by millennials an example of the false uniqueness effect or false consensus effect? This happens because the responsibility for a task is spread across all members of the group. B. social surroundings affect our self-awareness. Even though the statistical probability of both hands is the same, many people (incorrectly) assume that Montana's exact hand is rarer than Sarah's exact hand. A. the anticipation of problems to motive effective action Joe takes on his sister's view that all people from "up north" are snobs. However, researchers have also found that. -case history informationregardless of whether or not it is the first time they have purchased a car. The exam was really easy. That is, one of the things you are likely to ask about is, Roger is a member of his town's most exclusive country club. Brian's thinking most clearly reflects A. the false uniqueness effect. A. self-esteem The false uniqueness effect is the tendency to underestimate the commonality of one's abilities and successful behaviors. C. perform moderately well. Giving priority to the goals of one's group, such as one's family or workplace, and defining one's identity accordingly is called: When we accommodate and adjust to personal injuries, romantic breakups, and exam failures, we cope more readily than we would expect. B. self-monitoring Yogurt that is "low fat" can be described as "95% fat free" or as "5% fatty." This student is the only Hispanic person she has ever known. B. weak Paul's response demonstrates: Research demonstrates that, in counterfactual thinking, people engage in far more __________ than __________. We tend to think that others would agree with us or see things our way. A. attempt to control other aspects of their lives, such as how often they outside The opposite of a cognitive miser would be someone who. In part 1, be sure to name and define the effect you have chosen. The false uniqueness effect is the tendency of an individual to underestimate the extent to which other people share the same positive attitudes and behaviors. B. possible selves What phenomenon is MOST likely to be responsible for this? This is an example of a. self-affimation b. social learning theory C. operant conditioning assortative mating o boon- 13. characteristics and abilities. C. learned hopelessness B. narcissists lack an interest in others B. you can predict the fate of your relationships but not your behaviors C. the tendency to see our talents and moral behaviors as relatively unusual C. possible selves B. we are more vulnerable to depression A. he is self-handicapping C. hoped-for possible selves; feared possible selves -say that the last flip is more likely to be heads OR say that the last flip is more likely to be tails. The false consensus effect occurs when we overestimate the number of other people (or extent to which other people) share our opinions, beliefs, and behaviors.

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