how to pronounce philippi in the bible

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function ml(id) Heb. Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. See the Section on 404 errors after clicking a link in WordPress. Heb. When you are in a group of people, you could be the only person who knows exactly the way the Biblical words should be pronounced! - fuhn'duh-MEN-tuhl-ist] *, Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce G words in the Bible:>, [ Gaash - Ga'ash - Joshua 24:30 (h1608) - GAY-ash] * [ Gabbatha] * [ ("The Stone Pavement") - Gab'batha - John 19:13 (g1042) - GAB-uh-thuh, GAHB-uh-thuh] * [ Gabriel - Ga'briel - Daniel 8:16 (h1403); Luke 1:19 (g1043) - GAY-bree-uhl, not GAB-ree-el'] * [ Gadara - ("Gadarenes" in NW) - Matthew 8:28 CEV, TEV (g1086) - GAD-uh-ruh] * [ Gadarenes] * [ (Gadara, Gerasenes, Gerasens, Gergesenes in some Bibles) - Gadarenes' - Matthew 8:28 (g1086) - gad'uh-REENS in NW), also GAD-uh-reen'] * [ gainsay - ("dispute" in NW) - Luke 21:15 KJ (g471) - gayn'SAY] * [ Gaius - Ga'ius - Acts 19:29 (g1050) - GAY-uhs(') -yuhs] * [ Galatia - Gala'tia - Galatians 1:2 (g1053) - guh-LAY-shuh, guh-LAY-shee-uh] * [ Galatians - Gala'tians (Bible book) - Galatians 3:1 (g1052) - guh-LAY-shuhnz] * [ galbanum - galbanum, it gal'banum - Exodus 30:34 (h2464) - GAL-buh-nuhm] * [ Galeed - Gal'eed - Genesis 31:47 (h1567) - GAL-ee-ed] * [ Galilean - Galile'an - Matthew 26:69 (g1057) - gal'uh-LEE-uhn] * [ Galilee - Gal'ilee - Isaiah 9:1 (h1551) - GAL-uh-lee] * [ Gallio - Gal'lio - Acts 18:12 (g1058) - GAL-ee-oh] * [ Gallus*] * [ (Cestius) - - it "Israel (Israel After the Babylonian Exile)" - GAL-uhs] * [ Gamaliel - Gama'liel - Acts 5:34 (g1059) - guh-MAY-lee-uhl, not gam'uh-LI -uhl] * [ Gammad; Gammadim ("valorous men" in ASV, HNV, NW; "Pygmeans" in DRB) - ("valorous men" in NW) - Ezekiel 27:11 (various translations) (h1575) - GAM-uhd; GAM-uh-dim] * [ Ganymede* - - it "Art" - GAN-uh-meed'] * [ Gaugamela* - - it "Alexander" - gaw'guh-MEE-luh] * [ Gaul*] * [ (France) - - w90 7/15 22 - GAWL] * [ Gautama* - - sh 130 - GAW-tuh-muh, GOU-tuh-muh] * [ Gaza - Ga'za - Genesis 10:19 (h5804) - GAY-zuh in Bible, not GAZ-uh, not GAH-zuh] * [ Geba - Ge'ba - 2 Chronicles 16:6 (h1387) - GEE-buh, not JEE-] * [ Gebal] * [ (aka Byblos) - Ge'bal - Ezekiel 27:9 (h1380) - GEE-buhl, not JEE-] * [ Geber - Ge'ber - 1 Kings 4:13 (h1127) - GEE-buhr, not JEE-] * [ gecko] * [ (ferret, groaning lizard, shrew in some Bibles) - gecko - Leviticus 11:30 (h604) - GEK-oh] * [ Gedaliah - Gedali'ah - 2 Kings 25:22 (h1436) - ged'uh-LI -uh] * [ Gediz*] * [ (River, ancient Hermus) - - w03 5/15 15 - guh-DEEZ] * [ Gehazi - Geha'zi - 2 Kings 5:25 (h1522) - gih-HAY-zi , not guh-HAH-zee] * [ Gehenna - Gehen'na - Matthew 5:22 (g1067) - gih-HEN-uh] * [ Gehinnom] * [ (Gehenna, hell in most Bibles) - (Gehenna in NW) - Matthew 10:28 HNV (g1067) - gih-HIN-uhm] * [ Gemalli - Gemal'i - Numbers 13:12 (h1582) - gih-MAL-i, gih-MAHL-i] * [ Gemara* - - sh 221 - guh-MAH-ruh, -MAHR-uh, -MAWR-] * [ genealogical - genealogical - Ezra 8:1 (h3187) - jee'nee-a-LAH-jih-kuhl, -nee-uh-] * [ genealogy - genealogy - Ezra 2:62 (h3187) - jee'nee-AL-uh-jee, -OL-, jen'ee-] * [ Genesis - Genesis (Bible book) - Genesis 1:1 ftn. JSFX_FloatTopDiv(); - sin-EK-duh-kee (listen)] * [ synod* - - w97 10/1 12 - SIN-uhd, SIN-ahd'] * [ synodal* - - w97 10/1 12 - SIN-uh-duhl, SI-nah'-, suh-NAH-duhl] * [ synoptic* - - it "Christian Greek Scriptures" - sin-OP-tik, suh-NAHP-tik] * [ Syntyche - Syn'tyche - Philippians 4:2 (g4941) - SIN-tih-kee] * [ Syracuse - Syracuse, it Syr'acuse - Acts 28:12 (g4946) - SIHR-uh-kyooz, -kyoos] * [ Syria - Syria - Judges 10:6 (h758) - SIHR-ee-uh] * [ Syriac] * [ (Aramaean, Aramaic, Syrian in some Bibles) - ("Aramaic" in NW) - Daniel 2:4 DRB, KJ - SIHR-ee-ak'] * [ Syrophoenician] * [ (Syrophenician, Syro-phoenician in some Bibles) - Syrophoeni'cian - Mark 7:26 (g4949) - si 'roh-fih-NISH-uhn, si 'roh-fih-NEE-shuhn, not sihr-oh-] * [ Syrtis] * [ (quicksands, sandbank[s], sand bars in some Bibles) - Syr'tis - Acts 27:17 (g4950) - SUHR-tuhs, SIHR-tuhs] *. * [ Rezin - Re'zin - 2 Kings 15:37 (h7526) - REE-zin] * [ Rhegium - Rhe'gium - Acts 28:13 (g4484) - REE-gee-ihm (hard "g"), REE-jee-uhm] * [ Rheims* - - g79 10/8 13 - REEMZ] * [ Rhoda - Rhoda, it Rho'da - Acts 12:13 (g4498) - ROH-duh, ROH-dah] * [ Rhodes - Rhodes - Acts 21:1 (g4499) - ROHDZ] * [ Riblah - Rib'lah - 2 Kings 25:6 (h7247) - RIB-luh] * [ ridicule - ridicule - Luke 14:29 (g1702) - RIH-duh-kyoo(uh)l'] * [ righteous - righteous - Malachi 3:18 (h6662) - RI -chuhs] * [ Rizpah - Riz'pah - 2 Samuel 3:7 (h7532) - RIZ-pah, -puh] * [ Rodanim] * [ (Dodanim, Rhodes in some Bibles) - Ro'danim - 1 Chronicles 1:7 (h1721) - ROH-duh-nim] * [ Rogel (see En-rogel) - - it "En-rogel" - ROH-gehl] * [ Roman; Romans - Roman; Romans (Bible book) - Acts 22:25 (g4514) - ROH-muhn; ROH-muhnz] * [ Rome - Rome - Romans 1:7 (g4516) - ROHM] * [ Rosetta (Stone)* - - it "Archaeology" - roh-ZET-uh] * [ Rosh - Rosh - Genesis 46:21 (h7220) - ROSH, RAWSH] * [ Rosh Hashanah* - - it "Calendar" - rahsh'(h)uh-SHAH-nuh, rosh'-, rohsh'-] * [ ruach*] * [ (breath, spirit, wind in some Bibles) - (Heb. ru'ach) - Genesis 1:2 "active force" ftn. Heb. - dih-TOG-ruh-fee] * [ divan - divan - Psalm 41:3 (h6210) - dih-VAN, DI -van'] * [ Dives* - - it "Lazarus 2" - DI -veez] * [ divination - divination - Numbers 22:7 (h7081) - dih'vuh-NAY-shuhn] * [ Djoser*] * [ (also Zoser) - - it "Memphis" - ZOH-zuhr (listen); also ZOH-suhr] * [ Docetism* - - w90 7/15 23 - DOH-suh-tiz'uhm] * [ Dodanim - Do'danim - Genesis 10:4 (h1721) - DOH-duh-nim] * [ Doeg - Do'eg - 1 Samuel 21:7 (h1673) - DOH-ig, DOH-ehg] * [ Domitian* - - it "Caesar" - duh-MISH-uhn, duh-MISH-ee-uhn] * [ Doukhobor* - - w75 5/1 275 - DOO-kuh-bawr', DOO-koh-bor] * [ Dorcas] * [ (aka Tabitha) - Dor'cas - Acts 9:36 (g1393) - DOR-kuhs] * [ Dothan - Do'than - Genesis 37:17 (h1886) - DOH-thuhn, DOH-than] * [ Douay* - - it "Jehovah" - DOO-ay; DOO-ay-reemz, not DOO-way', not DOO-ah-way] * [ doxology* - - Psalm 41:13 ftn. We recommend you to try Safari. Philippi. (segmentals) in NW) - Job 6:25 JPS (h4834) - TREN-chuhnt] * [ Trito-Isaiah* - - ip-2 28 - tree'toh-i -ZAY-uh, -yuh, chiefly Brit. PAY-sahkh] * [ Peshitta* - Peshitta - it "Versions" - puh-SHEE-tuh, not puh-SHIT-tuh] * [ pestle - pestle - Proverbs 26:22 (h5940) - PEH-suhl, PES-tuhl] * [ Peter - Peter (Bible books), it Pe'ter - Mark 3:16 (g4074) - PEE-tuhr] * [ Petra] * [ (Sela, Selah, the rock in some Bibles) - ("Sela" in NW) - Isaiah 16:1 DRB (h5554) - PEE-truh (listen), also PET-ruh] * [ Petrine* - - g71 2/8 27 - PEE-trin'] * [ phalanx* - - it "Alexander" - FAY-lang(k)s] * [ Phalec - ("Peleg" in NW) - Luke 3:35 KJ (g5317) - FAY-lik] * [ Phallic* - - ip-2 266 - FAL-ik, not FAY-lik] * [ Phallus* - - sh 99 - PHAL-uhs, not FAY-luhs] * [ Pharaoh - Phar'aoh - Genesis 12:15 (h6547) - FAIR-oh, FAR-oh (listen), ] *. - Isaiah 8:1 (h4122) - MAY-huhr-SHAL-al-hash-baz, MAY-huhr-SHAL-al-hash'baz, MAY-uhr-SHAL-uhl-] * [ Mahli] * [ (Mahali, Moholi, Mooli in some Bibles) - Mah'li - Exodus 6:19 (h4249) - MAH-li] * [ Mahlon - Mah'lon - Ruth 1:2 (h4248) - MAH-lon, MAH-luhn] * [ Maimonides*] * [ (Maimon, Moses ben) - - w95 3/1 20 - mi -MON-ih-deez', -MAH-nuh- (MI -muhn)] * [ Malachi - Mal'achi (Bible book) - Malachi 1:1 (h4401) - MAL-uh-ki (')] * [ Malcam] * [ (Malcham, Melchom, Milcom, Molech in some Bibles) - Mal'cam - Zephaniah 1:5 (h4445) - MAL-kam, MAL-kuhm] * [ malediction] * [ (curse, reviling in some Bibles) - malediction - Deuteronomy 11:26 (h7045) - mal'ih-DIK-shuhn, ma'luh-] * [ malefactor] * [ (criminal, evildoer, wrongdoer in some Bibles) - ("wrongdoer" in NW) - John 18:30 DRB, KJ (g2555) - MAL-uh-fak'tuhr] * [ malign - ("puffs at" and "reviling" in NW) - Psalm 12:5 HNV, WEB (h6315); Acts 23:4 HNV, WEB (g3058) - mah-LI N] * [ Malta] * [ (Melita in some Bibles) - Malta, it Mal'ta - Acts 28:1 (g3194) - MAWL-tuh] * [ Mammon] * [ (gold, mammon, money, riches, wealth, worldly wealth in some Bibles) - ("Riches" in NW) - Matthew 6:24 KJ, Yg (g3126) - MAM-uhn] * [ Mamre - Mam're - Genesis 13:18 (h4471) - MAM-ree] * [ Manaen - Man'aen - Acts 13:1 (g3127) - MAN-ee-uhn] * [ Manasseh - Manas'seh - Genesis 41:51 (h4519) - ma-NAS-uh, muh-NAS-uh also -ee] * [ mandala* - - g82 1/8 13 - MUHN-duh-luh] * [ Manes*; Mani* - - g86 4/22 20 - MAY-neez; MAH-nee] * [ Manichaean* - - g86 4/22 20 - man'uh-KEE-uhn] * [ manna - manna, it man'na - Exodus 16:31 (h4478) - MAN-uh] * [ Manoah - Mano'ah - Judges 13:2 (h4495) - muh-NOH-uh. [ Xanthicus* - - Exodus 12:40 ftn. Definition and meaning can be found here: Do you hear the way they pronounce their words correctly? You can try again. KHAH-nuh-kuh, Seph. startY = 595; mahr-khesh-VAHN, Ashk. Speakers need to develop a concern for Bible pronunciation of biblical words. sheikh) - sheik - Genesis 36:15 (h4441) - SHEEK, chiefly Brit. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce J words in the Bible: [ Jabal - Ja'bal - Genesis 4:20 (h2989) - JAY-buhl, JAY-bal] * [ Jabbok - Jab'bok - Genesis 32:22 (h2999) - JAB-uhk] * [ Jabesh - Ja'besh - 1 Samuel 31:12 (h3003) - JAY-bish, JAY-besh] * [ Jabesh-gilead - Ja'bish-gil'ead - 2 Samuel 2:4 (h3003 + H1568) - jay'besh-GIL-ee-uhd, jay'bish-] * [ Jabin - Ja'bin - Judges 4:17 (h2985) - JAY-bin] * [ jacinth - ("hyacinth-blue" or "hyacinth" in NW) - Revelation 9:17; 21:20 KJ (g5191) - JAY-sinth, JAY-suhn(t)th, JA-] * [ Jacob - Jacob, it Ja'cob - Genesis 25:26 (h3290) - JAY-kuhb] * [ Jael - Ja'el - Judges 4:17 (h3278) - JAY-uhl] * [ Jah] * [ (LORD, Lord, Jehovah in some Bibles)] * [ (compare Yah) - Jah - Exodus 15:2 (h3050) - JAH, Heb. For more information about Neapolis , check out the Easton Bible dictionary entry as well. NW - DAM-uhn] * [ Damaris - Dam'aris - Acts 17:34 (g1152) - DAM-uh-ris] * [ Damascene; Damascenes - Damascene'; Damascenes' - Amos 3:12 (h1833); 2 Corinthians 11:32 (g1153) - dam'uh-SEEN, DAM-uh-seen'] * [ Damascus - Damascus, it Damas'cus - Genesis 14:15 (h1834); 2 Corinthians 11:32 (g1154) - duh-MAS-kuhs] * [ Daniel - Daniel (Bible book) - Ezekiel 14:14 (h1840) - DAN-yuhl] * [ Dardenelles* - - dp 155 - dahr'duhn-ELZ] * [ daric* - - it "Daric" - DAR-ik] * [ Darius - Dari'us - Ezra 4:5 (h1867) - duh-RI -uhs, not DAIR-ee-uhs] * [ darnel] * [ (cockle, darnel weeds, tares, weed seeds in some Bibles) - ("weeds" in NW) - Matthew 13:25 Da, Yg (g2215) - DAR-nuhl, not dar-NEL] * [ Dathan - Da'than - Numbers 16:1 (h1885) - DAY-thuhn] * [ debauchery - debauchery - 1 Peter 4:4 (g810) - dih-BAW-chuh-ree, -chree, -BAH-] * [ Debir - De'bir - Joshua 21:15 (h1688) - DEE-buhr] * [ Deborah - Deb'orah - Genesis 35:8 (h1683) - DEB-uh-ruh, also DEB-uhr-uh, DEB-ruh] * [ debris - debris - Amos 6:11 (h1233) - duh-BREE, day-BREE, DAY-bree', esp. You have earned {{app.voicePoint}} points. KOH-duh-seez, KAH-] * [ Codommanus* - - dp 169 - koh-duh-MAN-uhs, kod-uh-] * [ Coele-Syria*; Coelesyria* - - it "Lebanon"; dp 221 - see'lee-SIHR-ee-uh] * [ coeval* - - w66 12/1 724 - koh-EE-vuhl] * [ colophon* - - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - KOL-uh-fon] * [ Colossae - Colos'sae - Colossians 1:2 (g2857) - kuh-LOS-ee, kah-LOS-see] * [ Colossians - Colossians (Bible book) - Colossians (book title) - kuh-LOSH-uhnz, -LAH-shuhnz, also -shee-uhnz, -see-] * [ colporteur* - - g01 12/8 24 - KAHL-pohr'tuhr, -por'-, kahl'pohr-TUHR, -por-] * [ Colosseum* - - it "Rome" - kah'luh-SEE-uhm] * [ colter or coulter - ("mattock" in NW) - 1 Samuel 13:20 AS, KJ, Yg (h855) - KOHL-tuhr] * [ comely - comely - Song of Solomon 1:5 (h5000) - KUM-lee, KUHM-, also KOHM- or KAHM-] * [ comfortable - ("comforting" in NW) - Zechariah 1:13 (h5150) - KUHM-fuhr-tuh-buhl (listen), (by metathesis KUMF-tuhr-buhl)] * [ Complutensian Polyglot* - - w92 6/15 9 - kom-ploo-ten'see-uhn POL-ee-glot] * [ concision - ("those who mutilate the flesh" in NW) - Philippians 3:2 AS, Da, DRB, KJ, Yg (g2699) - kuhn-SIH-zhuhn] * [ concubinage* - - w02 8/1 30 - kahn-KYOO-buh-nij (listen), kuhn-] * [ concubine - concubine - 2 Samuel 3:7 (h6370) - KON(G)-kyuh-bi n, KAHN-] * [ concupiscence - ("sexual appetite" in NW) - 1 Thessalonians 4:5 KJ - kahn-KYUH-puh-suhn(t)s, kuhn-, kon-KYOO-pih-suhns, kong-] * [ coney] *, Bible Pronunciation--How To Pronounce C Words In the Bible, [ (daman, hyrax, rock badger in some Bibles) - ("rock badger" in NW) - Leviticus 11:5 AS, KJ (h8227) - KOH-nee, also KUH-nee] * [ conscience] * [ (compare conscious) - conscience - Romans 2:15 (g4893) - KAHN(T)-shuhn(t)s] * [ conscious] * [ (compare conscience) - conscious - Ecclesiastes 9:5 (h3045) - KAHN(T)-shuhs] * [ consecrate] * [ (consecrated the hand, fill the hands, make holy, ordain in some Bibles) - ("fill the hand with power" in NW) - Exodus 29:9 (h4390 + h3027) - KAHN(T)-suh-krayt] * [ conspicuous - conspicuous - Daniel 8:5 (h2380) - kuhn-SPIK-yoo-uhs] * [ Constantine* - - it "Rome" - KAHN(T)-stuhn-teen', -ti n'] * [ Constantinople* - - it "Rome" - kahn'stan'tuh-NOH-puhl] * [ contemn - ("disrespected" in NW; "rejected" in NW) - Psalm 10:13 KJ (h5006); Ezekiel 21:3 KJ (h3988) - kuhn-TEM] * [ convocation - ("convention" in NW) - Exodus 12:16 AS. in NW) - Revelation 19:1 DRB, KJ, Yg (g239) - al'uh-LOO-yuh] * [ almond - almond - Ecclesiastes 12:5 (h8247) - AH-muhnd, AM-uhnd, AL-muhnd, AHL-, AWL-] * [ almug] * [ (juniper wood, sandlewood, thyine in some Bibles) - ("algum" in NW) - 1 Kings 10:11 KJ (h484) - AL-muhg] * [ aloes (aloeswood) - aloes - Song of Solomon 4:14 (h174) - AL-ohz] * [ Alpha - Al'pha - Revelation 1:8 (g1) - AL-fuh] * [ Alphaeus - Alphae'us - Acts 1:13 (g256) - al-FEE-uhs] * [ Al-taschith] * [ (Altaschith. Thus, ignoring Bible pronunciation skills until grammar and vocabulary have improved will often mean ignoring Bible pronunciation altogether. (CORRECTLY) Julien Miquel 655K subscribers Join Subscribe 55 Share 13K views 2 years ago Hear more BIBLICAL NAMES pronounced:. for "Suph" (h5489) - yahm SOOF] * [ yarmulke* - - sh 231 - YAH(R)-muh(l)-kuh (listen)] * [ Yom Kippur* - - sh 230 - yawm, yom('), yohm, KIP-uhr, Seph. for "Areopagus" - AR-eez('), AIR-eez, ER-eez(')] * [ Aretas - Are'tas - 2 Corinthians 11:32 - uh-REE-tuhs, -tas] * [ Arian*; Arianism* - - w98 3/15 27, 28 - AR-ee-uhn, ER-; AR-ee-uh-nih'zuhm, ER-] * [ Ariel - Ar'iel - Isaiah 29:1 (h740) - AIR-ee-uhl, AHR-ee-el] * [ Arimathea] * [ (Arimathaea in some Bibles) - Arimathe'a - Matthew 27:57 (g707) - air'uh-muh-THEE-uh] * [ Arioch - Ar'ioch - Daniel 2:14 (h746) - AIR-ee-ok] * [ Aristarchus - Aristar'chus - Acts 20:4 (g708) - air'is-TAHR-kuhs] * [ Aristobulus - Aristob'ulus - Romans 16:10 (g711) - air'is-TOB-yuh-luhs] * [ Aristotelian* - - dp 155 - air'uh-stuh-TEEL-yuhn, -TEE-lee-uhn] * [ Aristotle* - - dp 155 - air'uh-STAH-tuhl, ar'ih-STOT-uhl] * [ Arius* - - w98 3/15 28 - AR-ee-uhs, ER-] * [ Armada* (Spanish) - - w88 5/15 24; dp 138 - ahr-MAH-duh, -MAY-] * [ Armageddon] * [ (aka Har-Magedon) - (Armageddon in KJ, DRB, and others) - Revelation 16:16 ftn. ; Revelation 16:16 KJ (g717) - ahr'muh-GED-uhn (listen)] * [ Arminius* - - dp 236 - ahr-MIN-ee-uhs] * [ Arnon - Ar'non - Numbers 22:36 (h769) - AHR-nuhn, -non] * [ Arpachshad] * [ (Arphaxad in some Bibles) - Arpach'shad - Genesis 10:22 (h775) - ahr-PAK-shad] * [ Artaxerxes - Artaxerx'es - Ezra 4:7 (h783) - ahr'tuh-ZUHRK-seez, ahr'tuhg-ZUHRK-seez('), ahr'tak-SUHRK-seez] * [ Artemas - Ar'temas - Titus 3:12 (g734) - AHR-tuh-muhs] * [ Artemis] * [ (Diana in some Bibles) - Ar'temis - Acts 19:24 (g735) - AHR-tuh-mihs, AHR-tuh-muhs] * [ Aryan* - - ip-2 115 - AR-ee-uhn, AHR-, ER-] * [ Asaph - A'saph - Psalm 50 (superscription) (h623) - AY-saf] * [ Asclepius*] * [ (also Aesculapius) - - it "Diseases and Treatment" - uh-SKLEE-pee-uhs (listen)] * [ Asenappar] * [ (Asenaphar, Ashurbanipal, Asnappar, Osnappar in some Bibles) - As'enappar - Ezra 4:10 (h620) - AS-uh-nap'uhr] * [ Asenath - As'enath - Genesis 41:45 (h621) - AS-uh-nath(')] * [ Asgard* - - g00 12/8 27 - AS-gahrd, AZ-gahrd] * [ Asher - Ash'er - Genesis 30:13 (h836) - ASH-uhr] * [ Asherah] * [ (grove, holy tree, pillars in some Bibles) - ("sacred pole" in NW) - Deuteronomy 16:21 DRB (h842) - ASH-uh-ruh, uh-SHIHR-uh, uh-SHEER-uh] * [ Ashkelon - Ash'kelon - Judges 14:19 (h831) - ASH-kuh-lon] * [ Ashkenaz - Ash'kenaz - Genesis 10:3 (h813) - ASH-kuh-naz, ASH-keh-naz, not -nahz] * [ Ashkenazi* - - sh 216 - ahsh'kuh-NAH-zee, ash'kuh-NAZ-ee] * [ Ashpenaz - Ash'penaz - Daniel 1:3 (h828) - ASH-puh-naz, ASH-peh-naz] * [ Ashtoreth - Ash'toreth - Judges 2:13 (h6252) - ASH-tuh-reth, -reth'] * [ Ashurbanipal] * [ (aka Asenappar) - ("Asenappar" in NW) - Ezra 4:8 (10) CEV - ash'uhr-BAN-uh-puhl, ah'suhr-BAH-nuh-pahl', ah'shuhr-] * [ Ashurnasirpal* - - w88 2/15 25 - ash'uhr-NAS-uhr-puhl] * [ Asia - Asia - 1 Peter 1:1 (g773) - AY-zhuh] * [ Asshur - As'shur - Genesis 10:22 (h804) - ASH-uhr, AS-shur'] * [ Assos (modern Behramky) - As'sos - Acts 20:13 (g789) - AS-ohs] * [ assuage] * [ (asswage, ease, relieve, spare, sparing in some Bibles) - ("hold back" in NW) - Job 16:5 KJ (h2820) - uh-SWAYJ, also uh-SWAYZH or uh-SWAHZH] * [ Assyria; Assyrian - Assyr'ia; Assyr'ian - Genesis 2:14 (h804); Isaiah 10:5 (h804) - uh-SIHR-ee-uh, -SEER-; uh-SIHR-ee-uhn, -SEER-] * [ Astyages* - - dp 149; it "Cyrus" - as-TI -uh-jeez] * [ asunder - asunder - Hebrews 11:37 (g599) - uh-SUHN-duhr] * [ atheist*; atheism* - - w94 12/1 6 - AY-thee-ist; AY-thee-ih'zuhm] * [ Athena* - - ip-2 52 - uh-THEE-nuh] * [ Athaliah - Athali'ah - 2 Kings 8:26 (h6271) - ath'uh-LI -uh] * [ Athanasian* - - g94 9/8 11 - ath'uh-NAY-zhuhn, -shuhn] * [ Athanasius* - - w01 4/15 19 - ath'uh-NAY-zh(ee-)uhs, -sh(ee-)uhs] * [ Atlas*] * [ (Mountains; Greek Titan) - - - AT-luhs] * [ atone; atonement] * [ (expiation, forgive, [be] merciful, pardoned, peace in some Bibles) - ("make atonement" in NW); atonement - Numbers 8:12 LITV, Yg (h3722); Deuteronomy 32:43 (h3722) - uh-TOHN; uh-TOHN-muhnt] * [ Attalia] * [ (modern Antalya) - Attali'a - Acts 14:25 (g825) - at'uh-LI -uh, at'tuh-LI -uh] * [ audacious - audacious - Job 41:10 (h393) - aw-DAY-shuhs] * [ Augustine* - - Exodus 20:17 ftn.

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